James Gunn will not lead the Galactic 3 Guards. Disney releases the director


Galactic Guardians 3 remained without a director. Disney has just released it for tweets content from years ago that have recently been unearthed. The company cuts the designer with a thick line.

Comic-Con San Diego is a celebration of cartoon fans and pop culture. It is here that are presented the new trailers of upcoming series and films. This year, however, the convent has become a place that arouses unpleasant emotions.

See also: Comic-Con 2018: Check out announcements of new movies and series

James Gunn was kicked out of the galactic guardian table. 19659005] Disney decided to inform about the end of the cooperation with the director responsible for the two previous parts of the Galactic Guardians. All this thanks to his tweets of the years that have just been published

James Gunn will not direct the new film of Marvel Studios. Although the previous games turned out to be critically acclaimed box office hits, and the Galactic 3 guards were about to open the next phase of the MCU, Disney was adamant.

Why did he decide to release James Gunn? the language and made fun of, among other things pedophilia and rape. The news was written a decade ago, but Mike Cernovich – the creator of the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was leading a group of pedophiles (so-called #pizzagate) unearthed. This time, he claims that James Gunn belongs to a group similar to Hollywood.

Alex Horn, a board member of Walt Disney Studios, said they would be able to end their cooperation because of these messages. He did not mention Cernovich's allegations that James Gunn was a pedophile. He stated, however, that these statements are unpredictable and inconsistent with the values ​​of his business. For this reason, it was decided to break any business relationship with him.

James Gunn referred to the case on his Twitter account.

With a statement divided into subsequent messages, in which he explains that 10 years ago writing these messages, was another man who wanted to intentionally provoke and shock, you can read below:

Excuses were not enough. Disney faced the scandal that triggered James Gunn's tweets, so he decided to release him. Interestingly, it was not the first time the world was covered by the content of the controversial statements of years ago

Recently, in 2012, when his controversial blog was unveiled, the director is excused on a similar tone. That did not stop Disney from working with him for years to come.

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