An excellent opportunity for the Gdańsk Shipyard. Employees thank President Kaczyński and Prime Minister Morawiecki


Shipyard workers in Gdańsk sent a letter to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński thanking them for purchasing the Gdansk shipyard from Ukrainian owners. According to trade unionists, this is a step towards rebuilding the development potential of the shipyard.

In a letter to the Prime Minister and the President of the PiS, the members of the Gdańsk Shipyard Union expressed their gratitude for

" personal commitment and support in the implementation of 39, a very difficult project to rebuild the shipyard ".

In their opinion, the first of these effects is

" success in the form of regulating the ownership structure of our shipyard by buying shares of Ukrainian investors." We read: [19659003] " We are convinced that without the determination and political will of men, actions to rebuild modern shipbuilding at the Gdańsk shipyard would not have been undertaken and that the purchase of the shipyard naval would not have occurred "

the shipyard workers noticed in the letter.

They also drew attention to the" key commitment to the success of the process of restructuring "to regulate the ownership structure of the Polish Development Group's shipyards and its chairman Paweł Borys.The shipyard workers thanked the management of the PFR Group PFR,

" and in particular to President Marcin Chludziński for the transaction of purchase of shares at the Gdańsk Shipyard. "

" reconstruction of industrial potential, including at the shipyard of Gdańsk, is an important element of the implementation of the strategy for the responsible development of the Republic of Poland "

" in hard work, but also ready to sacrifice all Poles in the struggle for freedom and a dignified life. The Gdańsk shipyard represents the economic potential and, at the same time, has historical value for our society "

  • has focused on trade unionists. In their opinion

" can not speak of an effective and strong state, he does not care about such symbols, and unfortunately in many times the activity of the shipyard in the last 30 years he was there.

Shipyard workers also indicated in the letter "the huge development potential of specialized production" Polish shipyards and the high skills of employees, allowing the implementation of a production as profitable.

They also expressed the hope that

" the process of rebuilding the industrial potential of our shipyard, which began in 2006, will now be fully implemented. Naval Gdańsk may be the symbol of a successful economic transformation in Poland based on modern service sectors, but also on the latest industrial technologies. "

Employees declare their willingness to work closely with the new owner. close cooperation with PSEZ and PFR Group, which will make use of the existing market potential. "

" The shipyard's economic success also means protecting and enhancing the reputation of the Gdańsk shipyard as a whole. that important symbol for the Poles. Thank you for your efforts to accomplish this important economic and social mission "

They wrote in a letter


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