The car struck two cyclists near Leszno. One is dead


On the Wschowa-Radomyśl road (in Greater Poland Voivodeship), a passenger car struck two teenagers riding a bicycle. The 13-year-old girl died on the spot. His old friend was taken to the hospital for a year. The prosecution investigates the causes of the accident.

– According to preliminary police findings, the 37-year-old citizen Wolsztyn driving the Land Rover to Radomyśl raided two cyclists – informed the police. city ​​police officer Monika Żymełka Police in Leszno

A cyclist died

As a result of this incident, the 13-year-old teenager died and the teenager of 14 years was hospitalized in Leszno. Both girls are residents of Radomyśl.

Police, firefighters and prosecutor appeared on the spot, who conducted activities fixing all the circumstances of the accident. The road was closed for several hours

As the police reported, the driver was sober.

A tragic accident occurred on the road Radomysl Wschowa

Author: kb // now
Source: tvn24

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