Piotr Misiło at the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration an interpellation on the detention of Winiarski and Adamczyk before the Diet


Yesterday, another demonstration took place in front of the Sejm, where the Fifth Amendment to the Law on the National Register of the Court, the Supreme Court, the ordinary courts and the prosecutor's office was adopted. During the demonstration, the police arrested four people. In his arrest, the MP Nowoczesna describes the conduct of the detention of Winiarski and Adamczyk, which emerges from the testimonies of themselves and witnesses of these events

"The circumstances of the case indicate that 39, after his arrest, Dawid Winiarski Unfortunately, at this time there is no video equipment of the police car that was transported to David, or other activities undertaken by the police, when David was only with them "- says Misiło.

Joachim Brudzinski addressed all four of the questions. "1. Can the police not be equipped with surveillance and if the lack of security for this registration is not flagrant and deliberate 2. Will the ministry introduce appropriate guidelines or amendments to document police activities? 4. Will investigations and disciplinary sanctions be brought against police officers who use violence against protesters on July 20?

What happened yesterday before the Sejm?

At yesterday's demonstration in front of the Sejm against changes in the judicial system, there were demonstrations of protesters and policemen. "Yesterday, on the occasion of the Sejm assembly, the most aggressive protesters were arrested, four arrested," said Warsaw police spokesman Sylwester Marczak

. Among them, Dawid Winiarski, hospitalized. There is a record of his detention on the network where he can be seen being dragged by officers, and then he is in a hospital with an orthopedic collar.

The participants in the demonstrations believe that the police behaved extremely brutally. Bartosz Adamczyk reported that the police dragged him into the bushes near the Sejm and beat and crushed them. – Dawid Winiarski suffered a neck injury and head injuries – said Onet Klementyna Suchanow, who participated in the protest. – He told me that he was kicked, that we threw him on the floor, against the walls, that his head was hurting him very much – said the MP Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus.

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