The Sejm changed the election regulations at the EP. Small election committees will have no chance


  Candidates from smaller electoral commissions will find it more difficult to go to the European Parliament, photo:
Candidates from smaller electoral committees will have more difficulties to visit the European Parliament, photo :

For less than a year Before the elections, the Sejm amended the Electoral Code by amending the order of the European Parliament. Major parties, such as PiS and PO, will benefit mainly from the changes.

According to a novel by PiS, in the elections to the European Parliament, each constituency must be allocated a specific number – at least three – of deputies elected to the European Parliament. Currently, there is no specific number of elected deputies in a given district.

Voting in the European elections is based on a proportional system, in which votes cast on particular lists are converted into Hondt mandates at the national level. It is only after determining the number of seats allocated to the various committees, that they are distributed among the lists of candidates, and that the seats are obtained by the candidates having obtained the greatest number of seats. of voice

EP meeting room in Starsburg, photo: Wikimedia Commons

The OP introduced a motion to reject the amendment. MP Waldy Dzikowski called it "legislative negligence". – The current electoral law gives everyone electoral chances, and this change makes the PiS only gives a better chance – he said. – PO wants to participate in the electoral act, but in an honest way, unlike the PiS – without special legal tops – Marek Sowa (Nowoczesna) pointed out that PiS changes the "rules of the game" ten months before the elections to the European Parliament. – You want this cake to be divided mainly for you, so you can find more synyków in the EP for your activists – there, in Brussels, the Brussels you hate so much – said Owl. – You change the ordinance that most reflects the election results, the ordination that will allow you to use it to the maximum, that is why this ordination must be rejected – MP added.

Marek Sowa, phot. x-news

MP Kukiz & # 39; 15 Tomasz Jaskóła pointed out that PiS and PO would benefit from the new regulations. – Why are you going to parliament? After synekury. Why do you need this synekury? In order to build a duopoly of political parties and test in future parliamentary elections, so that the duopoly of political parties would be headed from above, unrated – Jaskóła

Behind the novel, PiS was 231 deputies, 198 against, 2 abstentions from the floor

PiS changes ordination in the elections to the European Parliament. "They will be clear and transparent"

The amendments rejected the opposition, including Amendments Nowoczesna and PSL-UED, which supposed the creation of a constituency of the EP covering all Poland and an amendment by Robert Winnicki (officially notified by Kukiz-15), who assumed the creation of four constituencies

After rejecting the amendments, Jaskóła that in the districts of three to six seats, the small electoral have no chance of winning a seat. – This electoral law does not reflect proportionality. Why did not you go in the direction of the national list? Probably in order to materialize the voters list – said MP Kukiz – 15

Another MP Kukiz – 15 Piotr Apel asked the authors of the law – PiS deputies – they've checked its compliance with EU law. – I have the impression that you are again pushing your knee with an unproven legal law that will only be adopted because you like it and that you will have a chance to syneurie – said Apel

Dzikowski reported the absence of an annex to the law, in which the exact number of constituencies would be specified, as well as the number of seats that would be them awarded. Lukasz Schreiber (Law and Justice) replied that it was not yet due because the exact number of seats in the EP elections for Poland was not established. In previous elections, Poland had 51 seats to be allocated, and 52 in the next elections.

Schreiber pointed out that the PKW would determine the number of seats in the district after receiving information on the total number of seats in the European Parliament

. According to the law, the total number of candidates for the deputies on the list can not be less than the total number of MEPs and higher than the number of MEPs elected in a given district, plus two candidates. At present, the number of candidates on the list can not be less than five and greater than ten. In the loyal constituency, the maximum number will be five candidates, the minimum will be three, while in the electoral district of six or more members, the minimum number of candidates will be six and the maximum eight


If three candidates are nominated in a given district, there must be a woman and a man among them, according to the current electoral parity of 35%.

regarding the registration of voters lists or election results shall be submitted within two days of the publication of the information and not within five days of receipt of the information.

According to the amended regulations, a signed list of people supporting the submission of the PKW voters list, and no, as currently, only in the case of appeal proceedings, courts and prosecutors.

According to the amendment, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the EU will be required to provide the PKW with information on the number of deputies elected in Poland. It imposes on the NEC the obligation to determine the number of deputies elected in constituencies determined by resolution and to transmit this resolution to the president who, on the basis of this information, will indicate the number of seats in the districts concerned.

The new regulations will come into force within 14 days from the date of the proclamation of the Act.

source: PAP


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