"We do what we agreed with the Poles"


We are doing what we agreed with the Poles, we agreed on a radical reform of the judiciary

– said Sunday the head of the KSRM, Jacek Sasin.

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You will be seated, and the judges who will cooperate with you will be relieved to practice the profession

– Włodzimierz Czarzasty. 19659003] The Sejm adopted the amendment of the law prepared by the PiS on Friday, among other things about the Supreme Court, the Judiciary, the National Council of Magistracy and the Prosecutor's Office. This includes the changes in the selection procedures of the first president of the Supreme Court and the staffing issues in this court. The PiS club voted for, Kukiz's 15 was against, and the clubs PO, Nowoczesna and PSL-UED did not take part in the vote. The law will now be dealt with by the Senate.

Sasin in Polsat News pointed out that the reform of the judicial system is the result of the agreement reached by PiS before the elections with the Poles.

Today we are doing what we agreed with the Poles, we have agreed on a radical reform of justice and we are implementing this reform

– he said .

We wanted professionally to offer the Poles a reform of the judicial system, including the Supreme Court (…) We gave the right to the judges who were 65 years old to ask for an extension of the mandate, as this is the case. applies to all judges. And unfortunately, we are dealing with activities that have nothing to do with the rule of law of the opposition and the former president of the Supreme Court and we must respond to them. We want to speed up the procedure for the election of a new president

– he added

You will sit, and prosecutors and judges who will cooperate with you will be exempted from working as a collaborator [19659005] – answered the tsarzasty.

We will come to power, we will put you in prison. Any judge who knows that he serves a bad case, every judge who agrees to cooperate with the Supreme Court, all judges who entered the scandalous register of the National Court, should be deprived of his profession

– he stressed.

Sasin stated that Charzastego's statement is shocking.

I would like to thank you that you can not shoot in the head, only in prison, one way or another you will experience it. (…) You try to intimidate the judges, (…) you want them to fear the government and the legal legal system, that is to say leave the Polish state [19659005] – he pointed out

I understand the declaration of tsarzasty as a return to ancient times. Your training has extensive experience in opposing political opponents. I understand that you propose to come back, I congratulate you. Fortunately, we are not in the Polish People's Republic, only a democratic state and it is the citizens who decide which program is implemented and which governs, which has a democratic mandate to take decisions on their behalf

– a said Sasin.

The head of Modern Katarzyna Lubnauer believes that the proposed changes in the judiciary "aim to accelerate the takeover of the position of the President of the Supreme Court in violation of the constitution".

In fact, what you have done is the impression that it has a purpose, you want to ensure full impunity to the politicians of the PiS

Marcin Kierwiński explained why PO n & rsquo; Did not take part in the vote on the amendment of the law.

We do not want to participate again in the constitution on the PiS

– he said. According to him, there was a real chance that the law would not be adopted if the 15 Kukiz deputies did not participate in the vote.

As usual, Kukiz's 15 'behaved as a silent coalition of the Law and Justice

– he stressed

that the MP for Kukiz15 Agnieszka Ścigaj n & nbsp; Was not in agreement with him.

It is nonsense. Because, from the beginning, we have not supported any Supreme Court legislation, nor have we supported the amendment to the National Judicial Register Act

– at- she says.

Only we voted against. The fact that you did not vote, you must have problems with mathematics

– she asked the deputies of the opposition

According to Marek Sawicki of the PSL, the proposed changes in the system Judicial proceedings do not serve the citizens, because the proceedings before the ordinary courts – as he has said – have lengthened.

You have the democratic right to change laws, to reform the state, but you do not have the right to violate the Constitution

– he told PiS politicians.

Onufry Zagłoba spoke of such events as the whole tsatiah is falling during the Warsaw parliamentary assembly. Today, he would probably say that during the parliamentary assembly, "PiS-dziadostwo" is going to Warsaw. This concerns not only the legislative process itself, but also the whole style of the Sejm and the Sejm

. According to the explanation, "the main purpose of the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court is to improve the procedure." Held by the National Register of the Court in matters of appointment for to exercise the functions of judge, including Judge SN ". As noted, the changes include ruling out the possibility of impeding ND's selection procedure before the National Court Register.

Amendments to the Supreme Court, the ordinary court system, the National Council of the Judiciary and the Public Prosecution Act provide, inter alia: that the General Assembly of SN Judges will elect and present to the President candidates to the First President of the Supreme Court immediately after filling 2/3 of the SN judges, and not – as stated in the current provision – that almost all positions will be filled

From the Cabinet of Ministers Jacek Sasin, questioned Sunday in Polsat News on whether law and justice will support the president's referendum proposal, he said:

The decision is before us. (Now) The Senate will decide this

– he recalled.

READ ALSO: OUR INTERVIEW. Dr. Żółtaniecki: The referendum chairman should be in agreement with Kukiz & # 39; 15

We, as Law & Justice, have not yet made this decision

– 19659004] Although we do not hide either the fact that we are not here We agree with the President, first and foremost, this controversy concerns the date, in our opinion, of any kind. an unfortunate referendum with the celebration of 100 years of independence

– Sasin pointed out


On the contrary, we think that the question of the citizens on questions as important as the form of the state system, the form of the constitution is something natural and the president does only what in a democracy should be natural [19659005]- he thinks . He noted, however, that there are some "details" that need to be discussed

On Friday in the Senate a draft resolution of the President was commissioned to order a national referendum on 10-11 November 2018 regarding changes constitutional. In the draft presidential resolution on the referendum, there were 10 questions, including whether the Poles are in favor of adopting a new constitution, they are in favor of 39, a presidential or cabinet system or they abandon the current model. Among the referendum issues are m.in. on the constitutional guarantee of the inviolability of family rights to the benefits of the 500+ program, the right to a retirement pension at age 60 for women and 65 for men

Senate President Stanisław Karczewski announced Saturday in Gdynia 16 will deal with the president's draft on the referendum. Earlier, prior to the Senate meeting, PiS Senators will meet the strict leadership of the party.

According to the constitution, a national referendum on matters of special importance to the state can be ordered by the Sejm or the President with the consent of the Senate

the President gives the Senate the draft of resolution ordering a referendum, containing the content of the questions or options of the solution in the case submitted to the referendum, as well as the date of its implementation. The Senate, within 14 days of the tabling of the draft resolution, adopts a resolution concerning consent to the organization of a referendum.

The absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of senators is required for a referendum. 19659059] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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