Fans arrested Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin kissing on the street! VIDEO


  Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin


Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin just can not get away from each other! How did they react when fans interrupted their kisses by asking for a photo? Watch the video

Falling in love with madness Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin still, do not stray from each other even in the street. The couple has no reason to hide – all their commitment is already known about their engagement and almost all rejoice! Juice fans can not help congratulating him even when he is holding his fiancée in his arms. Justin Bieber posted a video on Twitter, which shows how Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin kiss on the side of the road. street. The author of the video and his friends passed the car and could not resist congratulating Juice!

The girls stopped to congratulate Justin and Hailey and ask if they could take a picture of them. What are you in love with? The smiles are not out of their mouths! Justin joked that everyone had already taken a picture and thanked him with a smile for congratulations. Hailey was standing next to him, obviously embarrassed, but extremely happy;)

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See a beautiful video with lovers Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin ! Have you ever thought of seeing it like this?

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