O¶wiêcim. A blazing accusation after Beata Szydło's accident


The collision of one of the cars of the government column with the Fiat Seicento conducted by Sebastian K., 21, took place in February 2017 in Oświęcim. According to the Krakow prosecutor, the accident was to bring Sebastian K. Śledczy to assert that he was not careful, turning left, and not leaving the government column in which the prime minister was traveling the limousine.

Sebastian K. testified that the government cars had turned on the lights, but they did not have any sound. The same witnesses said, what she reached, among others "Election". The investigator, recognizing that K. was the author of the accident, confirmed the allegations that he had given him right after the accident.

After briefing MPs Agnieszka Pomaska ​​and Cezary Tomczyk, the prosecution opened an investigation into the failure of the police. . It was, among other things, about the fact that the investigators did not provide Sebastian K. with the opportunity to defend themselves, they too quickly accused him of causing an accident

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