T-Mobile and Orange tighten their cooperation. It's about optical fiber, not LTE


Partnership of the two operators within the networks! it's relaxed, but T-Mobile and Orange still have common interests. This time as part of the fiber optic network.

T-Mobile and Orange have been collaborating for years in the common market. The companies have helped each other in the development of LTE networks within the networks, although this cooperation has recently relaxed. However, the networks are still on the way, and the partnership has not been broken against rumors, but has spread to other areas.

T-Mobile and Orange have since been cooperating in the fiber optic network.

now customers with their own fiber optic internet. Although the network has been providing the home Internet via LTE since last year and has taken over GTS Polska and T-Systems Polska, the current solutions will not be sufficient for every customer.

To expand its offering with a national optical fiber, the operator has decided to Orange to provide services to its customers within the competitor's infrastructure. We learned the amount of the transaction and the coverage of T-Mobile.

T-Mobile will pay 275 million zlotys for an optical fiber at the original rate

In addition, T-Mobile will pay a competitor for each customer that will depend on the speed of service and the year in which the household was covered by the fiber optic network. "The agreement has been reached for a decade with the option of extension if T-Mobile will acquire a number of customers.

T-Mobile Optical Fiber will not have a coverage as important as in the case of Orange.The network will reach its beginnings with 1.7 million households on 2.7 million sites, although plans assume the extension of accessibility to all The implementation will also take some time because you have to combine the infrastructure of both companies.

However, T-Mobile has the ambition to offer fiber optic directly to its customers , individuals and businesses, before the end of the first quarter of 2019. Telekom is aware of the growing importance of convergent services and does not want to lag behind.In turn, Orange is open to cooperation with other companies. other telecoms

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