Greek forest fires kill 50 people as residents flee the station near Athens


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A forest fire killed at least 50 people and injured more than 150 while he was sweeping a small seaside resort near Athens, with a number of people. Huge flames trapping families with children while they fire Mati, located 18 miles east of the capital, was by far the worst of the country since the flames devastated the southern peninsula of Peloponnese in August 2007. A second fire in Kineta, about 30 miles to the west. Athens, was also fanned by gale force winds on Monday and showers that passed over the Greek capital missed both big fires.

Residents rushed to the sea. Hundreds were saved by passing boats but others found their way blocked by smoke and flames.

"A rescuer told me that he had seen the shocking image of 26 people closely besieged in a beach field". Nikos Economopoulos, the head of the Greek Red Cross, told Skai TV. "They had tried to find an escape route, but unfortunately these people and their children did not do it in time."

He added that many victims seemed to be hugging each other

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A closed road stops cars during a forest fire in Kineta, Greece on Monday Valerie Gache / AFP – Getty Images

One Among the youngest, it was thought that it was a six-month-old baby.

The Coast Guard and other vessels rescued 696 people who had taken refuge on the beaches, and boats had ripped 19 others into the sea.

Andreaas Passios, a local resident, recounted her escape: "I caught a beach towel, she saved my life, I drenched her, I've grabbed my wife and we ran to the sea, "he said." It was incredible: gas bombs were exploding, pine cones were burning everywhere. "

Some parts of Mati still smoked with white smoke early Tuesday.Fire cars were scattered outside the enclosed buildings where the three- and four-storey buildings portaien No signs of fire damage.

Hell dominated the country's first pages on Tuesday, with titles like "Fire Killer" and "Hell". newspapers reporting fears that the death toll would rise.

Forest fires are not uncommon in Greece, and a relatively dry winter helped create current tinder conditions. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and other officials noted that several major fires had started at the same time.

<img src = "" alt = "Image: Of people watch a forest fire in the city of Rafina People watch a forest fire in Rafina, Greece, on Monday Angelos Tzortzinis / AFP – Getty Images

"It's a tough night for Greece, "said Tsipras after a brief trip to Bosnia.

Heavy rains are expected Wednesday in southern Greece

It is the most deadly fire season in the world. history of Greece for more than a decade More than 60 people were killed in 2007 when huge fires swept through the southern Peloponnese region

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