RPO Adam Bodnar to Deputy Minister Piebiak in the Senate: I remember your commitment … – Politics – all about politics in Dziennik.pl


I am aware of the objective of preparing and adopting this bill. In my opinion, it would not have appeared if it was not for the resolution of the General Assembly of SN judges of June 28 and uniform, joint support of SN judges for the lady I president from Małgorzata Gersdorf [1945900]. And that would not have happened if it was not on 4 July, that is to say the respect of the Polish society that welcomed the First President of the Supreme Court in the Court building. Supreme and the support of various international institutions . Bodnar in the Senate

In his opinion, the purpose of the amendment is to "settle the situation that has arisen". On the other hand, in general, it means a greater subordination of the judiciary to politicians – said Bodnar.

Bodnar: It is the duty of the Ombudsman to protest when a constitution may be violated

It is the duty of the Ombudsman to protest when a constitutional violation may arise and therefore my presence here – Adam Bodnar said Tuesday in the Senate together, among others Bodnar addressed direct to the Deputy Minister of Justice, Łukasz Piebiak [1945900] who appeared before him in his work in the Senate on a recent legal action

. I remember the involvement of the minister in cases concerning the independence of the judiciary in Hungary, Turkey. The last time we met, it was the meeting of the Association of Polish Judges "Iustitia", probably organized on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of "Iustitia" in Suwałki, then the Minister strongly defended the various rules concerning the independence of the judiciary. since November 2015 and later, this vision seems to be divergent and it seems to me that our ideological problems have disappeared in this regard [1945900] – said Bodnar.

I believe that values ​​are immutable and constitutional, constituted of defending the independence of the judiciary, they should be immutable and constitution has not changed and should to be the subject of a defense and therefore of my presence here because as an RPO, I believe that it is my duty to protest openly when the constitution may be violated and when the constitution may be violated and when violations can occur The right to justice as a basic mechanism for the protection of individual rights and freedoms " – he added.

Bodnar, referring to the provisions of the Amendment to the law, declared that legislative mode. We are discussing the parliamentary project, but I would say that the level of progress of the various solutions included in this project may give the impression that this is not necessarily a parliamentary bill, but we must believe the words of the minister (Piebiak) – says RPO

What is characteristic, it is this very fast procedure. At the moment we are dealing with acts of constitutional importance, laws that not only solve systemic problems but also affect the lives of many people (…) we would expect that this type of project be treated with some degree "

According to Bodnar, Act introduced solutions that may be considered discriminatory because of: In addition, according to RPO the law introduced limited opportunities to appeal the decision of the National Court Registry regarding opinions on candidates competing for Supreme Court positions. According to Bodnar, this compromises equal access to the public service, as the national judicial register could appeal without justifying the Supreme Court candidate.

According to the Commissioner, there is also doubt about the change in the number of judges from 110 to 80, which must be planted to indicate to the president five candidates to serve as the first president of the Supreme Court

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