The Senate served the court. The end of the work in parliament, but not the end of the demonstration. Although Duda will probably sign the bill


The law on the agenda was inserted unexpectedly. According to initial intentions, the Senate was debating Tuesday the president's request to launch a consultative referendum on the constitution. Senator Marek Martynowski, considered a person transferring orders directly from the PiS headquarters, however, moved a motion to have the Senate first to take legal action. This even aroused the surprise of the president's officials

where does the acceleration come from? According to the sources of "Wyborcza" the motivation of the power camp is prosaic: the idea was to push the opposite public the day when most reports on the tragic forest fires in Greece, and the football match takes place at the football stadium Legia Warsaw. – I protest against such work on a law with a constitutional character – said Sejm Vice President Bogdan Borusewicz, recalling that the amendment crossed the Sejm like a storm, and the members of the commission were limited to 30 seconds. – Let's not repeat these practices in the Senate – he added

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