An explosive device exploded at the US Embassy in Beijing


A small amount of debris was observed at the site of the explosion, which occurred around 1 pm. local time (1 am ET) on Thursday. An area located outside the embassy in Chaoyang District, in the Chinese capital, is still cordoned off by the authorities.

"There was a person who blew up a bomb, the bomb was not injured," a spokesman said in a statement

Many social media users in the Chinese capital posted videos showing a broad cloud of white smoke coming from the area around the embassy, ​​adding that the suicide bomber had only injured himself by hand and that his condition was not putting his life in danger.

"He is hospitalized and no one was injured, his last name is Jiang, 26, from Inner Mongolia. statement said.

There was no mention of the US Embassy in the police statement. Most of the mentions of the blast have been carefully censored and removed from the Weibo Chinese social media site, including a large number of personal testimonies

said Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, at a press conference. "The Chinese police handled the issue in a timely and appropriate manner," he told reporters.

The US Embassy in Beijing is one of the safest in the world , with state-of-the-art technology and a strong security presence 19659002] Developing history, more to come

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