The thief wanted water. The head of the commune appointed a price


  Award PLN 1000 for the indication of a water thief
Fig. fot: Arkadiusz Ziolek

1000 PLN reward for the indication of a water thief

The Water Law Act introduces the limit of "free" water. Apparently he did not like everyone – in the Ojrzeń Mzovian commune, someone … stole 600 m3 of water. The chief of the commune designated a price to designate the thief.

This message electrified a small town in the north of Mazovia. Someone stole the water. In addition, not a glass, a bottle or a cistern, but 600 m3 . That's 600 times 1000 liters, or 600 thousand. liters of water. 400 thousand bottles of half a liter or 5500 baths. What was the amount of water for someone? In the end, it is also 120 times more than the so-called ordinary use of water, which is vested in all the inhabitants of Poland

The answers to the question of how this water was used are still missing. Maybe someone wanted to water their crops, but for that sum he should have already paid. According to the tariff approved by the director of the State Water Farm Polish Waters 1290 PLN – this in the case of home use. For the purpose of watering crops, the price considerably is decreasing – by … 30 PLN. In turn, using it for other agricultural purposes, the price would reach 408 PLN. In both cases, lower rates would require prior notification.

"The municipal office of Ojrzeniu informs that on 8 and 14 July 2018, 300 m 3 water were taken, above the average daily consumption norm of the water treatment station – Dąbrowa.According to the water meter, the water was collected at night, which indicates theft, "explains the website of the municipality of Ojrzeń [19659007IfthefaultisnotfoundthemunicipalitywillpayforthewatercollectedInadditiontheunauthorizedcollectionofthisamountofwatercandamagetheentiresupplyInthiswaytheheadofthecommunedecidedtofindathiefandsetarewardof1000PLNforhisindicationThecaseisalsohandledbythepolice[19659007] See also: The Polish waters want to educate the peasants, not to punish:

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