Police used gas under the presidential palace. They were injured


A during the manifesto defense of the judiciary, the police used gas. Officers, however, claim that protesters under the presidential palace first launched it

Thursday night, several thousand people protested outside the presidential palace. A few hours earlier, President Andrzej Duda signed other regulations, particularly about the Supreme Court, which facilitate the taking over of this institution by the ruling option. Earlier, the act went through the Sejm.

Gathered in front of the sung palace, among others "you signed, you broke the oath", "you are a weak president, a pen to play" and "you will be seated". It was hot, and the fighting atmosphere was also felt in the statements that spoke.

– Andrzej Duda is not deceived. He has committed a crime against the Republic of Poland. With his stupid signature, he destroyed one of the best institutions that free Poland has created. The Supreme Court has earned the highest respect from lawyers and ordinary citizens – said, for example, Stanisław Zakrzewski of the magazine "Kontakt".

Whoever spoke only had 30 seconds to speak. This is a reference to Marshal PiS's actions in the Sejm.

It was dangerous at the end of the demonstration, around 11 pm: the police surrounded two people who were supposed to smear the sidewalk and the cars.

– I heard shouts, when I arrived, I saw the police surrounding two people. The police, in turn, were surrounded by protesters, negotiations and riots began. Suddenly, a cloud of gas disappeared from the police – describes the journalist Jacek Rakowiecki.

However, the authorities claim that the protesters were the first to use gas. "When speaking with the people who painted the sidewalk, the crowd began to behave aggressively." The police formed a ring to allow the intervention to be stopped, but some police officers used gas from the crowd. The ambulance was injured and the ambulance provided them with medical help, "reads the statement.

Around one night before the palace, it was peaceful.

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