The CEO of TVP won 333,000 in 2017


Telewizja Polska's earnings information is the result of answers to questions that MP Agnieszka Pomaska ​​and Platforma Obywatelska MP Cezary Tomczyk sent to TVP in early June of this year.

Gross salary

According to documents, the president of TVP Jacek Kurski in 2017 earned 333.2 thousand. PLN (PLN 304,000 a year earlier) and Maciej Stanecki – PLN 333.9 thousand. PLN (one year earlier PLN 303,000). The remuneration of three members of the TVP supervisory board was also disclosed. Maciej Łopiński, Przemysław Tejkowski and Radosław Włoszek from January 2016 received a total salary of 369,000. PLN 375 – in 2016 -159 thousand, in 2017 – 209 thousand. According to Telewizja Polska's press office, both the president and Stanecki as well as the members of the supervisory board have not accepted any bonuses or bonuses in the last two years.

The Bureau also announced that the total amount of awards and bonuses awarded to them over the last two years amounted to PLN 7 million (2016: $ 4.9 million and US $ 2.1 million). in 2017). In TVP, 7% fell. employees.

How much does TVP make?

According to Telewizja Polska's financial statements, advisors and directors earn 20,000. PLN, and correspondents – 18 thousand. gold. It was also reported that the number of full – time employees of the broadcaster declined last year. from 2,860 to 2,657, or 7.1%. Also 7.1 percent. the number of full-time jobs decreased from 2,833.43 to 2,633.26. The number of people employed in the administration decreased the most (from 679 to 606), the programs (from 119 to 100), the economic and financial employees (from 224 to 182), the journalists employed in the system of Incentive (from 111 to 100) and employees of the sales team (from 122 to 110).

Instead, there were employees as directors and assistant directors (from 82 to 86), honorary journalists (140 to 143) and council advisors (7 to 9).

How much do presenters earn?

As revealed in September last year. "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna", Danuta Holecka and Michał Adamczyk issue invoices for about 40,000 to the company. PLN net monthly, and Krzysztof Ziemiec at 33.5 thousand. zł.

Source: Virtual Media, "DGP."

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