The Senate adopted an amendment to the Electoral Code concerning ordination in the EP


60 senators voted in favor of the amendment without amendments, 27 against, 1 abstention. 57 PiS Senators and 3 non-attached Senators voted for the amendment: Waldemar Bonkowski, Jan Dobrzyński and Stanisław Kogut. There were 23 PO Senators, 3 non-registered Senators: Marek Borowski, Jan Filip Libicki and Grzegorz Napieralski, as well as a PiS Senator, Jarosław Obremski. Senator Andrzej Pająk abstained from voting

The news will now be signed by the president

There are 13 constituencies in the European Parliament – one district covers the area of ​​one or more provinces or part of the voivodeship. At present, there is no precise number of elected deputies in a given district.

According to the amendment to the Electoral Code, each constituency must be allocated a specific number of at least three elected deputies

. The draft amendment of the electoral law to the EP, the division into electoral constituencies, "will make Poland the only country in the Union where the effective electoral threshold exceeds, and more than three times, the maximum European of 5% ". – In Poland, the effective electoral threshold will be 16.5%. The proportional system

Voting in the European elections takes place according to a proportional system, in which the votes cast on the individual lists are converted into mandates by Parliament. Hondta all over the country. It is only after determining the number of seats allocated to the various committees that they are distributed among the lists of candidates and that the seats are obtained by the candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes. on the list

. district, and introduces the principle that at least three deputies are elected in the constituency

The number of elected deputies in each constituency shall be determined according to a standard of uniform representation, calculated by dividing the population of the country by the total number of Deputies The number of inhabitants of a given district chosen in the country, then separately for each district, is divided by the obtained quotient which is a uniform standard of representation.

According to the amendment, the total number of candidates for asylum in the IPs indicated on the list can not be less than the total number of deputies and more than the number of deputies elected in a given district, plus two candidates. At present, the number of candidates on the list can not be less than five and greater than ten. In the loyal constituency, the maximum number will be five and the minimum will be three, while in the six-mandate constituency, the minimum number of candidates will be six, and the maximum eight.

The amendment assumes that the deputy foreign minister of the EU MPs elected in Poland. It imposes on the NEC the obligation to determine the number of deputies elected in constituencies given by resolution and to transmit this resolution to the president who, on the basis of this information, will indicate in the by-law the number of seats in the constituencies. given constituencies

there must be a woman and a man among them, according to the current electoral parity of 35%.

According to the amended regulations, a list signed by the people supporting the list of electors will also be made available to the PKW, and not only in case of appeal. and the prosecutor's office. According to the amendment, the call for the registration of the voters' lists or the results of the elections must be submitted within two days of the publication of the information and not within five days after the transmission of information.

The new regulations will come into force within 14 days of the date of the announcement of the law.

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