Energy industry: beneficial gas pipeline for coal – – Economy


photo: Andrzej Bęben
Government plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski in Sejm reports on progress of Baltic Pipe project

The Polish-Danish Baltic Pipe flagship project, 275 km from pipeline under the Baltic Sea, must be ready by the end of 2022. It will cross Swedish, Danish and Polish waters and land in our country at Niechorze. The construction time is 25 months. The capacity will be 10 billion cubic meters. The project has the status of an important project for the infrastructure system of the EU. According to Piotr Naimski, the government's plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure, it is equally important for Polish mines and coal

– It will not be that coal will be replaced by gas. In the long run, the amount of coal consumed by the energy industry will not decrease. However, the amount of gas needed will increase. Nuclear energy will also appear. To maintain greenhouse gas emissions and maintain coal, we must have zero-emission energy sources – Piotr Naimski stressed at the July 18 meeting of the Sejm Energy and Treasury Committee.

According to government assumptions, the basics of safety and operation coal. The mix's evolution is to go to 50%. Coal shares in the production of energy in 2050

Naimski at the Sejm informed about the status of work on the Baltic Pipe project. The operators are Energinet on the Danish side and Gaz-System on the Polish side. The responsibility of the Danes ends in a press on the Danish coast. Gaz-System will build an underwater pipeline and all necessary infrastructure (including three presses) on the Polish side. The financial involvement of Gaz-System will be of the order of 874 million euros, the second on the Danish side

– The market test was conducted by the national regulators of Denmark and Poland and has been successful. The project phase has been co-financed twice by the EU. This project in the EU and the EC is taken seriously – emphasized Naimski. He added that there are also opportunities for co-financing the investment itself. However, he did not want to reveal any details because the discussions on this subject are lost

– The dialogue with hardware suppliers is already under way. The number of vessels putting pipes on the seabed is limited. We already know when they can be used on the Baltic. The choice of the preferred pipelines route was made in June, based on the Danish company's preference studies. We have before us the completion of the discussions by the national operators and the signing of the construction agreement, "Naimski said.

He added that the assumptions for the contract had already been worked out. Details are being refined The contract will probably be signed in November In September, the Danish government will make a formal decision on the investment in this case The process is complex

The Baltic Project Pipe is a strategic infrastructure project aimed at creating a new gas supply corridor on the European market and will allow the direct transmission of gas from the gas fields in Norway to the Danish and Polish markets, as well as to At the same time, it will allow the supply of gas from Poland to the Danish and Swedish markets Amc

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