The KNF monitors Altus overseeing GetBack. Spka ensures reliability


  The GetBack Case Extends Ever Further kr
Fot. Bartosz KRUPA

The GetBack case is getting bigger and bigger.

Altus Investment Fund was responsible for the management of GetBack. Maa directs the current supervision. Now, the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority checks if there is a breach of obligations

The GetBack case is spreading faster and faster. The European Court of Auditors already illustrates the public institutions responsible for overseeing GetBack's activities. In turn, the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF) began inspections at Altus TFI, which also oversaw the activity of an impassable company.

See also: Lawyers, consulting firms and even security guards. "The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority is initiating administrative proceedings due to the potential breach by Altus Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyj of the obligations relating to the current monitoring of the receivables portfolios of the securitized investment funds securitized by GetBack, whose management has been managed by GetBack. However, as the company points out, the procedure applies only to securitized fixed investment funds in which the management of GetBack is put into service.

Cho KNF investigates the functioning of Altus in potential violation through homework, this assures and from the beginning actively and determined acts to secure the interests of participants

See also. Financial spokesperson in the GetBack case: banks introduced customers in the N / A:

"Altus Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestu Board manages and manages all investment funds reliably and professionally, with the utmost professional diligence .The interest of the participants in the funds, which will be shown in the framework of the procedures instituted by the PFSA

Meanwhile, according to documents, which reach, we all lose the collapse of GetBack.Not only the bondholders, but also the largest companies – from Law firms through property managers and banks for the media.The list of creditors of the company, which had a beer market for debt collection, has 813 articles.

Conclusions of Money .pl: There are amateurs who lose on GetBack Banks are forged on all fours

GetBack, on the other hand, presents more and more worse offers creditors. He wants to give bondholders only 27%. received in cash. And not right now, but in 16 slices every six months. Cao has reduced the length of the dugw in over eight years.

See also: The Phenomenon Scale of the GetBack Scandal. We know who will kick millions

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