A heroism museum that Europe did not have


  Warzsawskeigo Insurgency Museum / wikipedia
Warzsawskeigo Museum / wikipedia

The museum of our country has enjoyed a great interest not only because of the collections collected in them related to the development of culture and art of the national history of Poland. history of our country, but for purely human reasons and emotions while watching exhibitions.

At the museum dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Warsaw Insurgents in August 1944, not only the insurgents and the inhabitants of Warsaw were waiting for almost all of Poland. Veterans' clubs not only associated with the Polish Underground Army led by the London government, but also with veterans of all political groups fighting in the Warsaw Uprising. The idea was to create a museum of remembrance, martyrdom and patriotism for the glory of those who did not fear to give their blood to beloved free Poland.

A museum supposed to be created, as the Warsaw insurgents themselves said. speak in my family, because my family fought on the barricades of Warsaw) was supposed to evoke human emotions by showing ordinary people their daily life, their love, their friendship, their heroism, their death, their hope and their despair. The museum was supposed to show visitors these ordinary people thrown to the edge of history, to the unknown fate between personal affairs and public affairs.

The Warsaw Uprising Museum had to ask everyone: "What would you do if you did it now? go up, where would I be then and what would I do? "The museum was supposed to show the insurgent families on the boards with their names of contemporary mothers, fathers of aunts, cousins ​​or uncles fighting and falling in the insurrection. As we know, the time of the Polish People's Republic was not conducive to a political or organizational organization for the creation of such a museum as the Warsaw Insurgents themselves and their families wanted .. Poland, dependent and politically subordinate at the time, could not do this task, it did not really have such a bold and innovative project at that time.

C & # 39 was only in 2003, when the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, tried to build such a museum.Many years of consultations with veterans, personalities of art and science with historians allowed to draw a vision of this museum.

And how did this start in his wonderful book Agnieszka Sopińska Jaremczak "Operation of the Museum". This book is not only a breath and a living breath of Polish history and the struggle of the nation with the occupier, but also personal and family emotions associated with the heroic struggle of the insurgents on the barricades of Warsaw. its explosion, however, is important in the rank of a symbol of a huge patriotic uprising and struggle, on the basis of which, after many years, a free Poland has been revived.

The Warsaw insurgents wanted to fight and liberate Poland, citing the words of Jan Stanisław Jankowski, Government Delegate in Kraj. They said, "We wanted to be free and we owe our freedom". These words have become the motto of the institution, which in 2004 began the process of commemoration of the heroes of Warsaw, the best sons of their homeland. It is difficult to summarize the days of the struggle for politeness, heroism and human sacrifice for the homeland, it is difficult to express in a few words the spirit of those who decided to Today, speak to the Poles and show what old days of fighting and glory looked like days filled with tears of rebellion and bitterness later forged in the days of struggle for a museum. of national memory.

In the book that Agnieszka Sopińska Jaremczak recently read on this topic. The "Operation Museum" will read, let me tell you more, we will touch the history of the construction of the Warsaw Uprising Museum being not only a symbol, but also a physical demonstration Polish heroism, fight, hope and victory. The Warsaw Uprising won in Polish hearts, won in the successors of those who were not afraid to die that "Poland was Poland."

For three years of enormous struggles. The President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, despite many difficulties, because there were many who did everything to prevent the creation of this museum, led the work of the national memory to a happy ending . The construction of the museum was on the lips of all Poland. The Warsaw uprising and the youth of almost the whole country were involved in the construction of the museum because, as its initiator, President Lech Kaczyński predicted that it was a museum for completely modern, almost audiovisual. This task has been accomplished as we know it.

Journalists, Warsaw insurgents at first very suspicious, as they were deceived many times and the inhabitants of the capital occupied almost every day the construction of their museum of the memory of those to whom we owe as. Patriotism arose from scratch, it woke up in the hearts of citizens of Warsaw who watched the construction of this symbol of freedom.

The old walls of the tram elector slowly became barricades, tunnels, nests insurgent resistance in Warsaw in August 1944

The architect Krakowski Wojciech Obtułowicz joined in the body of this old building and new typing of modern exhibition halls, museum shops, and even a chapel and a cinema in one. The city has found an old unused building, marked by an immense patriotism attached to freedom, to the struggle for independence. The old power station became a symbol of the "patriotic temple".

Jan Ołdakowski, director of the museum, recalls that the book was visited by 4.5 million visitors, the majority (about 60%) of whom are under 20 years of age. they are visited by about 500 000

The Warsaw Uprising Museum has become not only the most important tourist attraction of Warsaw, but also the center of the patriotic uprising, the museum has changed the museology Polish, the success of this fingering has convinced that it is worth investing It writes and highlights clearly in his book "Operation Museum" Agnieszka Sopińska Jaremczak

insurgent song, fighting sounds, series of machine guns and grenade explosions, screams and calls, sounds of shelling and falling houses, reproducing exactly those. The times of struggle and heroism were, as we read in the book, woven into films and original photographs of the struggle against Warsaw, and the viewer and the listener spend the day. adrenaline with a beating heart. the main builder of this museum was and will remain with all await Lech Kaczyński, President of the Republic of Poland, and his faithful companions who attended in this work.

It is only thanks to Lech Kaczyński's personal intervention that a few thousand people with family memories went to the Warsaw Uprising Museum. interest in the construction of the museum and its contemporary role.

Today, the Warsaw Uprising Museum extends beyond its walls to the crowd located on the screens, the internet cinemas today, it is difficult to imagine Warsaw without this museum, which already has In my opinion, the Warsaw Uprising Museum, which I have visited on several occasions, became alive thanks to the actions of the President of the Republic from Poland Lech Kaczyński, but all those who wanted to beat I give you the heart of millions of Poles I hope and comfort that good is the good of my own homeland.

The Museum also gives a visible message to those who have ever wanted to break the independence of Poland, especially in the context of recent events in Ukraine, that any aggression against our country will be pushed back We will remember those for which dreams and dreams of a free and independent Poland have come true and thanks to the current message of the Museum. The Warsaw Uprising is directed not only towards its own people but also towards the world

I recommend this museum to those for whom the word Polska was and will be very personally very expensive. I also recommend to the enemies of our country a clear and concrete message attesting to the unprecedented heroism and bravery of the Polish soldier in defense of his own country. This battle was often lost, but he never lost the fight for the liberation of his country.

Glory to the insurgents of Warsaw forever!

(copy of material)

https://www.salon24.pl/u/dziennikarstwoobywatelskie/884774, museum-heroism-of-not-own-europa

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