Modernization set up with corruption in the background. ABC takes a closer look at the Ruda Mine contract


  Up to now, 6 people have been accused of crimes in the case

Up to now, 6 people have been charged with crimes in the US. case

Managerial corruption, large mismanagement, fraud to the detriment of Kompania Węglowa SA (currently Polska Grupa Górnicza) – these allegations were heard by six people related to the mining company

The ABC informed Monday from the investigation on the modernization work of the old Halemba-Wirek mine in Ruda Śląska, today KWK Ruda.

As we have read, members of the management of the mine have asked the authorities of Kompania Węglowa to carry out modernization work, stating that it is impossible for this work to be carried out by full-time minors.

. The ABC was arrested by eight people

These people "already in the process of creating technical specifications, before the start of the bidding process agreed with the future contractors, supplying documents on materials or technical parameters.

The mine has signed modernization contracts with "relevant" companies, but in the end, a number of works for selected contractors have been carried out by the employees of the electrical service of the mine, at the request of the mine .. First verdict on the prohibition of trade

This person has agreed with the representatives of the contractors, in exchange of which, during the period from 2011 to March 2015, he accepted a financial gain of PLN 563 000. – we read in the communication of the ABC

In addition, it was determined that some of the equipment c , materials have not been delivered by contractors, or have different technical parameters from those ordered. Losses suffered during the investigation were estimated at PLN 3 million

In total, investigators examined more closely 20 contracts to modernize the former KWK Halemba-Wirek for a total value of PLN 23.9 million

See also: Afera Sensus Group. Another suspect in the hands of the ABC

For the moment, 6 people have heard allegations of crimes committed in the case. The suspects in the case are both employees or former employees of KWK Halemba-Wirek, as well as representatives of the Okołogórnicze executing orders for the client

for future fines, fines and the obligation to repair the property damage of the suspects. PLN 1.53 million

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