Drunker climbed onto the runway and fell asleep


Jacek A., the chairman of one of the KGHM copper group companies, has fallen asleep drunk driving a limousine company. The circumstances of the case are examined by the police of Lower Silesia. Although Jacek A. appears on the side of the PiS district council in Wrocław, PiS spokeswoman Beata Mazurek said Tuesday in an interview with the Polish news agency that A. is not more member of this party since nearly a month.

Jacek A. went on the night from Friday to Saturday along Kwidzyńska Street in Wrocław

– He went down the track and fell asleep there. The driver was so drunk that the unconscious policemen pulled him from behind the wheel – we received the information that rang on the weekend24 in Kontakt24. From one of the Internet users we also got pictures of the car standing on the track. These photos were also published by other media

Source: informant
KGHM Chairman's car on the runway

Source: informant
Car on the Kwidzyńska Street runway

Two prominent

Around 1 pm, we learned that a driver driving a car could be intoxicated – informed the aspiring staff , Łukasz Dutkowiak, spokesperson for the Wrocław Municipal Police. – The police were immediately dispatched. The agents acted and it turned out that the man was under the influence of alcohol. He was 36 years old and lived in Wroclaw, the officer said.

By the time the police officers acted, the car remained on the track and the man was inside – pointed out the aspirant. l & # 39; alcohol. He remained in detention until he recovered from his injuries

charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. He faces two years of imprisonment. According to tvn24.pl, Jacek A. In early July, the driver who fell asleep driving a company limo on the Wrocław track was sentenced to death .

he became the president of Centrozłom, a company belonging to the KGHM group. According to KGHM spokesman Jarosław Twardowski, Jacek A. resigned from his post on Monday


  KGHM spokesman: president

] Video: tvn24
Spokesperson of KGHM: the president of Centrozlom presented his resignation

Jacek A. also sits on the board of the structures of law and justice of Lower Silesia.

– He was closely associated with the deputy Piotr Babiarz, who, as part of the PCK money transfer scandal, resigned from the management of the Wrocław party structures. A typical activist, condemned to success, because since we took power, he has already been to another public treasury company producing known mineral water – says tvn24.pl one of the activists of the Law and of Justice

A spokesman for the law and justice, Beata Mazurek, said Tuesday in an interview with the Polish news agency that A. for nearly a month no longer is more member of PiS. – July 9 resigned from membership of the law and justice – said Mazurek

Jacek A. still appears on the side of the district council PiS in Wrocław


Source: piswroclaw.pl
Jacek A. appears on the side of the PiS district council office in Wrocław

Source: piswroclaw.pl
Name of Jacek on the site of PiS field structures

Author: Robert Zieliński ([email protected])
Source: tvn24.pl, PAP

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