Disappearance of MH370: The Chief of Aviation resigns due to failures related to the disappearance of an aircraft


A day after a report from Investigation concluded that someone was directing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 – and the 239 people on board – on a condemned course, the country's head of civil aviation resigned over deficiencies in the control center of the country. air traffic of the country.

The report, released Monday by the security investigation team MH370, does not identify a culprit. On May 8, 2014, the plane disappeared without a trace.

This is an admission that someone has managed to thwart systems and processes designed to ensure the safety of leaflets

. It is with regret and after much thought and reflection that I decided to resign as President of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia with effect 14 days from the date of the notice of resignation that I have served today, "said Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, his resignation letter, which did not suggest that the authority was responsible for the disappearance

Rahman, an engineer, has led the aviation since 2008.

Authorities believe that the plane crashed in the south of the country. Indian Ocean: Everyone aboard is presumed dead in what has become the biggest mystery since the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.

Only a few fragments of debris – and no bodies of casualties – were found despite two massive searches that cost hundreds

The 495-page MH370 report highlighted the failures of Malaysia 's air traffic control, which did not continuously monitor the radar or determine that an emergency situation occurred well after the departure of MH370

. uncertainties about the position of MH370 by Kuala Lumpur (air traffic control center) and Ho Chi Minh (air control center) ", the report concludes.

The Ho Chi Minh controllers have not informed their Kuala Lumpur counterparts the air force when the aircraft did not enter the South Vietnam airspace as planned – one of the first signs that something was going wrong

"Air traffic controllers have not initiated, in a timely manner, the three According to the report, the last contact controllers had with the aircraft when Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shad told them sent a radio message: "Good night, Malaysian three seven zero."

Shortly after, the aircraft changed its flight path that "was probably the result of manual entries," says the report of the government. A system failure alone could not explain sudden changes in the direction of the aircraft.

Investigators from the Australian Transportation Safety Board said that everyone in the plane – the captain, his co-pilot, the passengers and the crew – was unconscious while the craft Uncontrolled lacked fuel and plunged into the Indian Ocean

The Malaysian investigation report revealed that someone was checking the gear at least once after Zaharie had said goodnight.

Zaharie and co-driver Fariq Abdul Hamid were the main suspects in the disappearance of the plane since the beginning, according to news.com.au. Although the Australian government's investigation revealed that Zaharie's marriage was falling apart, he learned that his wife was about to leave, according to the news site.

The center of an icy theory posed by a team of experts brought together by the television newscast "60 Minutes: Australia".

The show's experts claim that a suicidal Zaharie put on an oxygen mask and depressurized the Boeing 777, making everyone unconscious. a lack of oxygen – and helpless to interfere with his fatal plot.

The modern aircraft followed by satellites and radars disappeared because Zaharie wanted it, according to experts. And the experienced pilot, who had nearly 20,000 flying hours and built a flight simulator at home, knew exactly how to do it.

For example, at one point he flew near the border between Malaysia and Thailand. Simon Hardy, a Boeing 777 pilot and senior instructor, said on the show "60 minutes", but neither country saw the plane as a threat because it was on the verge of 39, airspace.

Zaharie's alleged suicide could explain a quirk on the final trajectory of the plane: an unexpected left turn.

"Captain Zaharie dived his wing to see Penang, his hometown," Hardy said. "It could be a long, emotional goodbye."

Zaharie's family members defended it and said they were happy that the official investigation had

There are other theories.Some have claimed that Zaharie had hijacked the plane to protest the imprisonment of Anwar Ibrahim, who was then the head of the government. opposition in Malaysia, or that it was an act of terrorism.

Flight Officer Rayan Gharazeddine sweeps the water in the South of the Indian Ocean. Australia's AP-3C Orion Royal Australian Air Force during a search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 missing in 2014. (Rob Griffith / Associated Press)

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