The Vice President of Alior Bank leaves. Four new people entered the table


Since PZU took over Alior and thus indirectly its influence on the board of directors, you have already won three CEOs. Katarzyna Sułkowska has been replaced by Krzysztof Bachta. Now, Filip Gorczyc has left the authorities. Instead, the supervisory board immediately appointed Tomasz Biłous, who will join the bank's board of directors on February 1, 2019.

Tomasz Biłous has been linked to ING Bank Śląski since 2006, where he has been responsible for management control for four years.

This is not the end of the list of new people among the managers of Alior Bank. The supervisory board also appointed Marek Szcześniak, Seweryn Kowalczyk and Dariusz Szweda.

"The Supervisory Board of Alior Bank has decided to complete the current composition of the Board of Directors, and new Vice Presidents have been appointed to head the risk, security and private banking sectors," the report said. communicated.

Alior Bank wants to continue to grow thanks to innovations

– It is very important to me that, thanks to good cooperation with the Supervisory Board, it has been possible to complete the management with competent managers with many years of experience in the big banks – commented Krzysztof Bachta, head of the board of directors

Marek Szcześniak has been a partner in the PKO BP group for the past few years, where he was the vice president of risk management at Kredobank and later at PKO Bank Hipoteczny.

Seweryn Kowalczyk, the current managing director of the security division of Alior Bank, will also complete the composition of the board of directors. He has headed the departments responsible for combating fraud, internal crimes and the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Now he will oversee, besides the security zone, a legal office.

The private banking sector will be entrusted to Dariusz Szwed from 1 January 2019. He has more than 20 years of experience in the banking sector. Just prior to joining the board, Alior Bank was Director of the Private Banking Department of Santander Bank Polska, where he was responsible for overseeing global business operations, including aspects related to operational, credit and reputation risks. He also oversaw the retail portion of Santander Bank Polska's operations.

Alior Bank recorded record capitalization in March of this year. President Michał Chyczewski, associated with the Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobrą. At that time, the capitalization of the bank amounted to 10 billion euros and the price of the action to PLN 88. Currently, Alior prices are 40% lower.



4 hours ago

aaaIn this bank, only the castles are not surprising so that mortgagors can sleep peacefully.

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