It has been revealed that billionaire Jack Ma is a member of the Chinese Communist Party


Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba / AFP

The admission of wealthy capitalists to the Communist Party is not surprising in China: the CCP ranks billionaires among the highest leaders of the richest Chinese, including the real estate mogul Xu Jiayin or the founder of Wanda group Wang Jianlin.

Ma's membership of the party was not however well known and the billionaire himself, considered an icon of Chinese private entrepreneurship, hinted that he would prefer not to launch into politics.

In the Monday issue of "Renmin Ribao" – the official press organ of the CPC – Ma was defined as a party member who played an important role in the development of the global logistics initiative of Belt and the Trail. This initiative is a flagship project promoted by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Ma also received the title of "outstanding socialist builder on the Chinese specificity in Zhejiang Province", where Alibaba is based – said Renmin Ribao in a list of personalities who have "made a remarkable contribution to the reform and the Opening of China ".

According to observers, party membership can help entrepreneurs operate in a country where the business climate is opaque and dominated by many sectors of the economy. Alibaba spokesman neither confirmed nor denied that Ma is a member of the CCP, but said that this did not affect the company's operations.

The Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP) website recalls one of Jacek Ma's often quoted aphorisms: "You have to love the government, but do not marry it." However, all new party members must take a solemn oath and proclaim: "My will is … to be loyal to the party, to work hard, to fight for communism all the way through. of my life, to be ready at any time to give everything to the party and the people, and never betray the feast. "

It is unclear why the party newspaper decided to reveal the party's affiliation to the famous entrepreneur. The announcement of these surprising observers of the revelations, however, is based on the intense efforts of the CCP to tighten the control of private enterprises, especially in the technology sector.

Many Chinese private companies have created CCP cells in recent months to evaluate their actions in terms of compliance with the party line. Technology companies are also encouraged to invest in state-owned businesses hoping to increase their productivity.

On the list of celebrities displayed by "Renmin Ribao" were also the leaders of Baidu Robin Li and Tencent Pony Ma, although none of them was identified as a party member. Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba are three leading Chinese technology companies, often called BAT.

Jack Ma has recently announced that he will resign as president of Alibaba next year. "Renmin Ribao" did not give when a known entrepreneur joined the party.

The ALIBABA course board on the NYSE last year. It costs $ 154.05 before it opens. / Press release

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