Biedronka is accused of "encouraging children to commit crimes". It's by the Glade Gang


– The promotion of Biedronka "The Glade Gang" violates the accepted principles of ethical standards by encouraging children to commit crimes and by familiarizing them with criminal nomenclature. As we know, Gang is an organized criminal group. Through a group of words "Godz Chodziez", we tamed children with crime and we show that there is nothing wrong with criminal groups – we read in a denunciation addressed to the Commission advertising ethics.

The case was reviewed by a panel of three people and decided to dismiss the complaint. Why? The judgment team, taking into account that the advertisement in question did not contain any content likely to threaten the physical, psychological or moral development of children or adolescents, did not find in the advertising of a violation of the standard of the art. 25 of the Code of Ethics of Advertising charged by the complainant.

It was also noted that Gladness Gang's advertising had been subject to due diligence on social responsibility. Advertising does not violate good manners either.

– The promotion campaign presents a group of animals – friends who live adventures and play in their natural environment, that is to say in the forest. In any case, it can not be said that the heroes of the action must identify with members of criminal groups or other organized entities whose purpose is a lucrative activity based on criminal activities. At no point in the promotional campaign does the action refer to the feeling of fear or anxiety that may accompany the actions of these criminal groups – said Jeronimo Martins, manager of the Biedronka chain of stores.

The straw gang is popular among children and parents of mascots. Strawberries are animals living in Polish forests. It will be easy for each child to recognize them. There are six: Lucek's fox, Jerzyk's hedgehog, Zosia's owl, Boris beaver, Lynx lynx and Zuzia hare. Their adventures are described in a special book entitled "What will happen in the clearing of the forest or the fun adventures of the glade strip".

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