They are looking for a new kidney for Saleta's daughter


They are looking for a kidney for the daughter of Saleta


Przemysław Saleta (50) and her ex-wife Ewa Pacuła (47) are living in fear again. The second kidney transplant at their daughter did not occur. Nicole (24 years old) now has to go on a painful dialysis. The parents, to relieve his suffering, will do everything to find another kidney for the beloved child.

Nicole Saleta underwent her second kidney transplant this spring. Exactly five years after the organ of a young woman has stopped working, the organ that had offered him my father Przemysław Saleta (50 years old) in December 2017. Doctors do not exactly know why the kidney did not take.

Nicole's parents are hoping for another transplant for their daughter. They hope that the third approach will be successful. For now, Saleta's daughter is undergoing dialysis. Ewa Pacuła described her health as good.

– Przemek's first kidney works for 5 years – says a well-known model in a conversation with the Wideoportal. – My daughter's second kidney transplant failed. He did not accept the deceased donor. After six months, the kidney went to the trash. The situation is complicated and Nicole returned to dialysis. I feel good We will strive to get another transplant – says Ewa.

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