The police chief of Podlachia, Daniel Kołnierowicz, and anonymous contest concerning the deputy of Kaminska


Superintendent Daniel Kołnierowicz, head of police officers in Podlasie, announced a "best anonymity" contest against opposition MP Bożena Kamińska. – About the property, business trips, previous activity – suggested on the station 5 Radio Suwałki.

Commander Daniel Kołnierowicz went on Monday to the local radio station for, as he claimed, "dismiss" information regarding the inspection report, which was established at the headquarters of the local police by the police headquarters. The sending of the controllers was the result of the activity of the operator Bożena Kamińska, who revealed to the Sejm a series of anonymous police.

The officers complained of having to spend a whole year at Suwałki's house, a deputy minister, Jarosław Zieliński, and to participate in endless ceremonies, and even to disguise themselves as officers of the state security service in order to give more seriousness to his position.

Contest for anonymous MP

During a live interview with a journalist from Radio Podlasie 5, the commander proposed a contest.

– If you like so much the anonymous use of Mrs Kaminska, we may be able to announce a best anonymity contest broadcast on Mrs Kaminska. On the field, on business trips, on the previous activity – said Superintendent Kollrowicz.

We asked the Ministry of the Interior and Administration for a radio statement from the commander of Podlasie. When asked to comment, Małgorzata Woźniak from the Ministry of the Interior and Administration referred us to the police headquarters. – Superintendent Kollrowicz's statement was not consulted with headquarters, but only the spokesperson of KGP inspector Mariusz Ciarka.

– He crosses all borders – said the opposition to MP, Marek Biernacki, former Minister of the Interior and Administration. "The officer, the uniformed general, can not speak like that," he said.

Control and Information of the Ministry of the Interior and the Administration

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration officially informed the report on the control exercised by Suwalki police.

"The basic task of the Polish police is to ensure the safety of all citizens and by discharging their statutory duty, the police always ensure that all citizens are equal." The police are apolitical and perform tasks that she is obliged to perform. in which the superiors ask the police to perform acts that do not result from police tasks are unacceptable "- was the message.

According to, the control did not show that in Suwałki, the police had broken the law or committed disciplinary offenses. Although Deputy Minister Zielinski has been in regular possession of the police patrol for three years, his goal was officially to provide security on an adjacent transit road. Already after the check – as revealed by the reporters of "Black on White" on TVN24 – the police car stopped to watch the "dangerous point on the transit route".

"Kołnierowicz is a favorite of Zieliński"

– The commanders took care of the documents and sent the crew not to take care of the house, but of the place where were the people in danger. They learned a lesson from the famous confetti case, which resulted in disciplinary proceedings – a police officer from Podlasie asked us to protect anonymity.

When we revealed to that the police in Podlasie had been instructed to cut off tons of confetti paper, which their leader had planned from a helicopter, control ended with disciplinary action.

– Here, everyone has enough. General Kołnierowicz is the favorite of Deputy Minister Zieliński, and we serve them – commented the police during their interviews with


Special service. Officer supervision in Suwałki

Video: tvn24 Special service. Officer supervision in Suwałki

Author: Robert Zieliński ([email protected])

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