Leszek Miller in "Facts after Facts" on the KNF scandal


If it turned out that Mr. Ch. Was fixed by a group of people who wanted to confiscate private property, we are dealing with something extraordinary – said the former Prime Minister. Minister Leszek Miller in "Facts after Facts", TVN24. He commented on the case of the former chief commissioner of the Finance Committee, Mark Ch., Suspected of corruption.

– I am – I think that with many Poles – worried that a senior official was arrested, with a high level of professionalism, integrity, patriotism, noble – he is ironic in "Facts after facts" of TVN24, Leszek Miller. It was a reference to the statement of the governor of the NBP, Adam Glapiński, who – after publications about the conversation of KNF President Marek Ch. With banker Leszek Czarnecki – he said about Ch. that he was "extremely honest, noble, honorable and exceptionally professional".

– President Glapiński, and remember that he fulfills a very important function of the President of the National Bank of Poland, he just described Mr. Ch. – The former Prime Minister is recalled in Facts after Facts. He noted that "today, we discover that they have been charged (Marek Ch.)". The former head of the Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF) has heard the accusation of violation of the rights of an official in order to achieve financial gain for another person, and the prosecutor has asked the court to make a provisional arrest.

This is as a result of media reports on the fact that Ch. He had to offer a favor to Czarnecki in return for hiring a designated lawyer for a fee of about 40 millions of zlotys. The number was revealed on November 13 by Gazeta Wyborcza.

Miller: we are dealing with something that the history of the Third Republic of Poland ignores

Leszek Miller was asked if, in his opinion, a manager such as the president of the Polish financial supervisory authority could act alone. He replied: – Theoretically, yes.

– This is a very good question that calls for a quick response, added the former leader of the Alliance of the Democratic Left.

– It turns out that Mr. Ch. He was attached by a group of people who, in layman's terms, wanted to confiscate private property – in this case, it was Mr. Czarnecki, but the list could have been longer – we are dealing with something unheard – Miller's assessment.

As he pointed out, this would be something "of what the history of the Third Republic of Poland does not know" and "a proportional political scandal".

"Discover as much as possible of deep darkness"

Leszek Miller said he is convinced that the investigation commission in this case "will never get up, because that would be a big problem for the authorities".

As he explained, during the meetings of such a commission, "the deputies of the opposition would do anything to find out as much as possible in the dark and let the interrogations last as long as possible ".


Leszek Miller w

Video: tvn24 Leszek Miller in "Facts After Facts" on the KNF Investigation Panel

"Detention in a mine or arrest of a director"?

Miler wonders if, when the court will decide to arrest Marek Ch., "It will be a detention center or the detention of a director".

– I mean, what suggestion will the detainee get, how he should behave, what to say, etc., remarked the former prime minister. He pointed out that he did not personally know Mark Ch. And he does not know "what kind of strong character and strong moral backbone he has".

"We'll probably see what's going on around this case soon," added the former SLD manager.

"Usually, people think about it after a while," and why is it just me? "It was not like I was the only one," Miller said. As he remarked, "then begins this internal rebellion and this willingness to share their knowledge".

– Maybe in this case it will be the same – says Leszek Miller.

Former Prime Minister on the situation of SLD

Miller also touched on the internal situation of the SLD, where he demanded the resignation of the party leader. – Nothing surprising that the Warsaw LDC claims consistency – Leszek Miller said in Facts after Facts, evoking the appeal of the Warsaw-based activists of the Alliance of the Democratic Left.

They want Włodzimierz Czarzasty to take responsibility for his decisions and to resign as president. The bad result of the party in the local elections of October is an argument.

As Miler admitted, "there is a total defeat in Warsaw", but he admitted that he would prefer not to talk about the Alliance.

Miller: SLD Alliance and Party Together are an "alliance of weak people"

The former prime minister spoke in Facts After Facts of Coalitions that the Alliance of the Democratic Left could form before the elections.

– The SLD may want to communicate with another leftist group, namely (Partially – ed.) Together – said Miller. However, he felt that "it is an alliance of weak people".

– SLD might like to contact Robert Biedron, but Biedron does not seem to be interested – added the former prime minister. He admitted that he liked "the honesty of Robert Biedroń, who, for example, does not use the word" left ", but says his party is" progressive rather than left-wing " .

– It does not place itself in the same potential alliance, which could call itself an "Alliance of the Left" or something of the sort – explained the former head of the SLD.

Miller said that probably for the legislative elections "Biedron will go alone". In his opinion, "he will want to check, he will want to answer the question himself how much is it worth on the political scene

– Concretely, there are two scenarios: an alliance based on the SLD and (Party – ed.) Together, or the SLD in an agreement with the Citizens & # 39; Coalition – summed up the former Prime Minister adding that the latter option would be more advantageous.


Miller: SLD and Party Alliance together

Video: tvn24 Miller: SLD Alliance and Party Together are an "alliance of weak people"


Author: akr // rzw
Source: tvn24

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