The Mama Plus program, however, starting in March?


The Mama Plus program in March?

The Mama Plus program in March? / © 123RF / Picsel

Minister Rafalska said in TVP Info's "Panorama Opinii" show that the project is currently waiting to be reviewed by the Cabinet Standing Committee. She stressed that the date of entry into force of the regulation depends not only on the will of the government, but also of the parliament.

"This date that I mentioned earlier – on January 1 – unfortunately, it does not seem to be available to me because it's almost all the time in December, and this also requires reprocessing" – a said Elbieta Rafalska.

In this regard, the Minister stated that the "cautious date" of the introduction of the regulation was 1 March.

The Mama Plus program is a pension for mothers who have not received retirement benefits, but who have already reached the retirement age and raised at least four children. The benefit must be 1,029 PLN and 0,80 PLN, which is equal to the minimum pension. From next March, it will reach 1,300 zlotys.


The costs of the new valuation rules will rise to about 1.5 billion zlotys – said Elżbieta Rafalska, head of the labor department, quoted by the station on Twitter.

The government recently announced that it provided for a single increase in the lowest pensions in 2019.

The modification consists in increasing the lowest performances according to:

– 1100 zlotys for the lowest pension, the total disability pension, the survivor's pension and the social pension,

– 825 zlotys for the lowest pension for partial incapacity to work.

In addition, it is planned to apply the statutory indexation index, while guaranteeing a minimum increase in the guaranteed benefit of PLN 70.

Retirees will receive a minimum of 70 increase the zloty / © 123RF / Picsel

Last week, the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers delivered a positive opinion on the pension indexation bill in 2019.

The amendments aim to bring the lowest benefits to 1 100 PLN in the case of the lowest pensions and disability pensions due to the total inability to work. In turn, the lowest pension for partial incapacity for work must be raised to 825 PLN. The new mechanism predicts that retirees will receive a minimum increase of PLN 70.

At the beginning of November, the Minister of the Family announced that the proposed solutions would cost 8,443 million zlotys. They must cover 4 million 842 pensioners (outside the agricultural social security system), 114 000. people who benefit from early retirement benefits and benefits, 280 000 people who receive social pensions and 1 million retired from KRUS.

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