The EC wants to punish Poland "for her dreams". EU lawyers are against it. PiS will win a splendid or


The Politico portal is the first to announce the critical opinion of lawyers. Two weeks ago, one of the lawyers' blogs was discussed by experts. Yesterday, TVP Info reported on the analysis of the Council of the EU.

The lawyers of the Council of the European Union (the EU Council are the ministers of the Member States), highlighting the weaknesses of the Commission's draft, have drawn attention to the incompatibility with the EU treaties. They wrote that Article 7 of the EU Treaty, and not the budget, was used to preserve the rule of law in the Member States. They questioned Brussels' translation that without the soviets it would be difficult to protect European funds against corruption.

EU Council lawyers seek clarification on the criteria and cases of violations of government rules. According to them, the risk for the budget must be based on specific criteria and standards. Otherwise, the decision to suspend the disbursement of funds will be discretionary. The lawyers argue that any legal gaps are not likely to have an impact on the use of EU funds.

The European Commission "punishment" for the courts

Recall – in the official proposals on the structure of the EU budget for 2021-27, presented by the European Commission in May, it was possible to block access to money for them. countries not applying the rule of government. It has been argued that in countries with legal problems, the courts may not play their role of control properly in case of fraud or irregularity in EU regulations.

Moreover, the European Council would approve the decision to suspend measures not unanimously, but most giants.

Read this: This is an official proposal from the European Commission. For the lack of independent sdownictwa – blocking of EU funds

And now?

The opinion of the lawyers of the Council of the European Union does not indicate the fate of the draft regulation which provides for the payment of funds provided for by law, which the European Commission is preparing and whose lawyers defend the proposal.

Critical analysis can be used in budget negotiations by countries that have a negative relationship with the idea. Among other things, Polish politicians have in the past repeatedly criticized the ideas of the European Commission.

As points out, the new rules on the payment of EU funds by law, if accepted, can be appealed to the Luxembourg Court of Justice. . It is possible that this route is, for example, in Poland or Hungary.

The opinion of the Council of Jurists of the EU is already known to the Polish government. He expects the European Commission to abandon his idea and change it.

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