Who helps Ania Wendzikowska after getting separated from her partner?


She was not alone.

Yesterday we wrote that Anna Wendzikowska (37 years old) she's separated Jan BazylemFather Antosia, the second daughter of the star. The child came into the world just a month ago. Now, Wendzikowska must take care of raising a baby and a 3 year old child Kornelia.

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Admittedly, it is not easy, fortunately in difficult times, he can count on the support of his relatives.

To the stars InstaStory just appeared a photo where we see a cousin of a reporter, Malwina Wędzikowskawith little Antosia in his arms.

On Instagram Wendzikowska: You should not put pictures when …

At the best of my aunt – Wendzikowska writes. – My malvina – he adds

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