"A party falling apart." Modern activists go to the Petr party


About 40 former Nowoczesna militants from this party's Western Pomeranian structures join the ranks now! – A new group of Ryszard Petru and Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus – said the former board member of Ewelina Stach's region.

The reason for leaving Nowoczesna was, among other conflicts in the structures.

On Thursday, activists from Western Pomerania sent a letter to the Nowoczesna leadership, indicating that the process of leaving the party's ranks in the region had begun in May 2018. The letter reported that from May on, about 40 people had left the group (including Regional Vice-President and Member of the National Council Tomasz Szybowski, member of the Council of the Western Pomeranian Voivodship and President of the Circle Sławno Ewelina Stach, Member of the Regional Council and President of the Gooliów Circle,

"The conflicts between members of our region have contributed to this situation, often reported to the party's national administration," it was pointed out.

Two parties clash in the modern structures of Western Pomerania – supporting Piotr Misiła, MP Szczecin, with the support group of Koszalin MP Radoslaw Lubczyk. The conflict erupted in October 2017, when Misia lost the leading position of modern structures in West Pomerania in favor of Lubczyka.

Ewelina Stach estimated during an interview with PAP that departures from Nowoczesna would continue. "We gave Lubczyczyk a very big mandate, we stayed there, we wanted to cooperate, even at one point, everything went well, but MP Lubczyk did not face the situation. because the conflicts between modern members of our region have begun to disappear, "said Stach. .

The activists felt that Ryszard Petr's withdrawal from power in Nowoczesna was a "strategic mistake that damaged the party". "At the time, valuable people bade farewell to the party that from the beginning believed in Modern's flagship postulates," the letter's authors said.

It was pointed out that many party activists "for the sake of Poland and the strengthening of the opposition" continued in the Coalition of Citizens for Local Elections, accepting the adverse conditions for members of Modern.

"There were fine words, gestures, assurances of cooperation from equal entities." The post-election reality showed that the coalition arrangements were also wishful thinking, and that the media clashes between nowyna deputies we are witnessing complete the image of the disintegrating party in which "Mountain "play and only on yourself" – it was written.

"We remain hopeful that the time of the merger will come, as was the case for the famous Torwar and the founder of this project, with ideas that guided him and lost their value. Over time, it's time to embark on a new adventure, or rather to return to. When leaving Modernna, we return to Ryszard Petr.We will be on December 9th at the Teraz Now Party Congress. We are therefore responsible for this region which has been abandoned by the modern Central Administration, "he said.

Activists in the modern area of ​​Podkarpacie have previously changed the colors of the party and are now turning to Now! Their resignations from Nowoczesna in mid-November resulted in the liquidation of the group's structures in Podkarpacie.

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