Serious problems Chemist Bydgoszcz, the city reaches out


During the 4th session of the Bydgoszcz Municipal Council, to address the issue of Chemik Bydgoszcz. City leaders discussed the club's financial support so that it can continue to exist. Finally, there was an agreement on the subject, thanks to which the team will continue the fight in PlusLiga.

The poor state of the pharmacy has long been the subject of discussions in the corridors. The first signal to present the problem of public opinion was given in an interview for Łukasz Kadziewicz. At the end of November, the club's situation at the Bydgoszcz Municipal Council meeting was formally reviewed and explained.

At some point during the meeting of the president of the city Rafał Bruski the subject of chemist Bydgoszcz has begun. Well, the authorities of the Łuczniczka company, which is in possession of the team listed in PlusLiga, have asked for help for the city in order to receive additional funds for club activities. Bruski recalled that the company was sold to a private investor two years ago without debt. The authorities of the company have asked the authorities for help to exhaust their ideas for solving the debt problem.

Then the speech was delivered by the President of Łuczniczka – Janusz Zacniewski. The president confirmed that at the time of the transfer of the company to the private, he had no financial backlog. In addition, he was assured that the club was trying to get a titular sponsor. In the end, however, the tests were unsuccessful. Then, the president gave the values ​​of the debts that the club accumulated in two years:

  • 260,000 zlotys of late loans for individuals
  • a loan of PLN 500 000 with a repayment date ending on 31 December 2018
  • short-term commitments to players, coaching staff, social insurance institution, tax center and service provider in the amount of PLN 800,000.

In his speech, Zacniewski assured that the costs were suitably limited, both in the contracts and in the administration. During the discussion, the president of the company admitted that the arrears also applied to him. The last request to the city council was to guarantee funds that would repay loans in the amount of 700,000 zlotys and would allow the team to continue working during this season and the next.

The president described the situation as urgent, saying that if the councilors made no sensible decision, President Zacniewski would be forced to declare bankruptcy. Then, Bruski first introduced some variations on how to help the club. Among the solutions, there was an option to take over the club for a nominal amount.

Finally, the city decided to provide additional financial support to Chemik. However, for this to happen, the company must change status and develop a sound remediation plan to avoid similar situations. Siatkarska Liga will pay debts related to external entities. However, it has not been clarified whether such a legal possibility exists.

Thus, it seems that the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz will be able to finish the season until the end. Currently, the team will probably take a long break in the match, as there are many indications that the next match of "Chemików" will be canceled because of the bankruptcy of Stocznia Szczecin.

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