MF on shale in Poland. unprofitable


The shale deposits in Poland do not offer enough opportunities for their economic exploitation – the Ministry of Finance has evaluated the bill repealing the levy of the tax on the extraction of hydrocarbons , based on information provided by the Ministry of Energy.

The basis for the imposition of a special tax on hydrocarbons was to be the profit derived from the production of hydrocarbons. Tax collection was to start in 2020.

MF on shale in Poland. unprofitable

"At the present time, shale deposits on the territory of Poland do not offer sufficient opportunities for their economic exploitation and, therefore, the subsequent legislator's assumption n & # 39; 39, was not completed either, that a special tax on hydrocarbons should provide the state budget with an appropriate share of profits from shale gas extraction " – the Ministry of Finance wrote in the justification of the bill using the data resulting from the Ministry of Energy's analyzes provided to the Ministry of Finance.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, according to the Ministry of Environment, as of April 30, 2017, 20 shale gas exploration licenses were in force in Poland. This means that compared to 1 July 2013, ie the assessed state for the impact assessment of the regulation on the tax on hydrocarbons, when 108 concessions were granted in Poland, the number concessions in force had decreased by 81%.

"There is also a noticeable decrease in the dynamics of exploration and evaluation work behind shale gas," he wrote.

NIK does not leave a dry thread on shale

Previously, according to the Supreme Audit Office, Poland had not specified and had not conducted a consistent concession policy regarding the exploration and recognition of copper and hydrocarbon deposits. including shale gas, ineffective granting of concessions and corruption events. On the slate segment, authorities have not exhibited themselves.

The NIK audit covered the years 2008-2016 (copper) and 2013-2016 (hydrocarbons). As we read in the House report, the institution has negatively assessed the activities of successive ministers in charge of the environment in the area of ​​the granting of grants. a concession for the exploration and reconnaissance of copper and hydrocarbon deposits – including shale gas – during the reporting period.


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