Prime Minister Morawiecki announces changes in the "500 plus"


The government is working on changes in the "500 plus" program – said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. They will apply to the income criterion of the first child of single mothers.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said the government is working on amending the over-500s program on the single-child income criterion for single mothers.

"The real chance is to change this criterion (…) We want to respond to this social need," said the Prime Minister.

During the conversation on TVP1, Morawiecki was also questioned about the so-called project. Maternity pensions to be taken by the government at the meeting on Tuesday. "We will ensure that (the maternity pension) is in force as soon as possible.Today, the date we will try not to exceed is March 1, so early," said the head of government .

As he explained, it will be a pension for women who gave birth to four or more children. "This is something they have long deserved, I would like to remind you of Article 71 of the Polish Constitution, which specifically states that the state is obliged to help families, especially large families." – a declared the Prime Minister.

When asked if funds are guaranteed for this purpose in this year's budget, Mr. Morawiecki replied, "There has never been such doubt that this money might not be." "This is an important reservoir of funds, but these are already included in the budget for 2019." – he added.

"I am convinced that not only will these funds be available, but also that we will finally be able to compensate mothers, our grandmothers who gave birth to four or more children, who during their lifetime could not work Other difficulties that it would be at a minimum, this social justice is assured "- noted the head of government.

Morawiecki was also questioned about the experts' doubts that women who gave birth to four or more children and were working at the same time were treated unfairly, compared to women who had at least four children but could not not to win a pension. "Here, the subject is really very delicate," replied the Prime Minister. At the same time, he added that, if a person was looking for ways during his professional life, there was usually "a slightly different material status of such a person, another location of that person". As he said, people who can work can be members of employees' capital plans, so "by definition, they are better placed than those who do not work".

The head of the government was also questioned about the program of layettes for schoolchildren, ie. 300plus. "After all, children will go to school in September, so there is no reason not to leave 300 more, we want it to be a permanent addition, a permanent proposition for families with children school age, "he said. "It is an addition that we wish that it be kept in the kindergarten of this school as a permanent part of our social policy" – stressed Morawiecki.

Morawiecki was also asked if his government was considering amending the Family 500plus program. "We are now working on changing the income test for the first child.Today, it is between 800 and 1200 zlotys, depending on whether it is a disabled child." or not, "he replied. At the same time, he stressed that it was not known during which period changes would occur.

According to the Parental Supplementary Benefit Bill, that is, in the case of maternity pensions, mothers who have given birth and raised at least four children and who have reached the retirement age of 60 years will be entitled to a minimum pension. In some cases, fathers will be eligible for the benefit after reaching the age of 65. The benefit will be granted at the request of an authorized person. The so-called. Maternity pensions have to be paid as from 1 March 2019. In the state budget for 2019, about 801.3 million zlotys were provided for this purpose.

The benefit will not be granted to a person deprived of parental authority or whose court has limited parental authority by entrusting a child to a child and in case of prolonged termination of minor children, by example because of a long-term imprisonment, making it impossible to take care of children.

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