Demonstration of farmers Difficulties on the roads


On Monday morning, farmers started demonstrating demonstrations. Difficulties arise in several voivodeships, particularly in the Podkarpackie and Masovian provinces. Police organize detours.

About fifty farmers demonstrated, passing by the pedestrian crossing on ul. 3 Maja, one of the main streets of Jarosław. The police organized detours.

"The protest started at 9 am on Monday and can last until noon," police spokeswoman Marta Tabasz-Rygiel told PAP.

She added that "the police organized detours".

A group of farmers also demonstrated against the national road No 12 at Smardzewo roundabout, near Sieradz (Łódzkie).

Farmers on DK 12 road entered on Monday before 9. According to the local branch of GDDKiA on Twitter, "Lodz farmers started demonstrating at DK 12, but not at Błaszki, as advertised, and at the Smardzewa roundabout at confluence of DK 12 from DW 480. " There are more than a dozen tractors on the cabbage trailer road. Going around the roundabout is very difficult, "he said.

The protest is secured by the police who direct the traffic on the spot.

A spokesman for the GDDKiA branch in Łódź appealed to drivers planning a trip on the DK 12 road from Kalisz to Sieradz to consider a different route.

According to unofficial information, farmers in the province Monday, Lodz also plans a demonstration at DK 91 between Piotrkow Tryb. and Srock.

Farmers also started blocking the national road nr. 19 in Radzyń Podlaski (Masovian Voivodeship).

The difficulty in the section of Radzyń Podlaski – Międzyrzec Podlaski will be around 2 hours.

Difficulties related to the events also occur on the route Wyszogród – Sochaczew to Janów.

The expected duration of the problem is about 2 hours.

Michał Kołodziejczak, leader of the organization of AGROUnia events, said that these activities should pay attention to the problems of Polish agriculture.

"Our main demand is to defend the internal market, to defend the national production, as the states do, politicians are their business, they have tools, if they can not use them properly, please resign, please change the people who work there. " there will be those who care about the good of Polish agriculture "- explained Monday in an interview granted in the morning to Radio Łódź.

About 20 places on the roads of Wielkopolska are disputed by farmers on Monday. The police do not inform you where you are blocking the road. "Most often, there is a slowdown in traffic due to the displacement of agricultural vehicle columns, and we also know that in some places farmers cross pedestrian crossings, our agents are everywhere. and monitor the situation, "said Iwona Liszczyńska of the Wielkopolska Police.

Difficulties in the driver's movements will be encountered, among others on the national road nr 11 near Kórnik, roda Wielkopolska, Ostrów Wielkopolski and near Chodziez.

Drivers must also rely on National Road no. 92 between Poznań and Pniewy and on the national road n ° 5 between Kościan and Śmigiel. Problems also arise on the national road 25, near Ostrów Wielkopolski.

"The road is blocked at the intersection of the ring road and Brzostówiecka street," a press officer at the Poviat police headquarters in Radzyń Podlaski Piotr Mucha told PAP.

As he added, a group of about 80 to 100 farmers blocking the crosswalk at this location. Protesters hold flags and banners. There are also several tractors with trailers on the road.

The police have identified detours – for trucks passing through Łuków and for passenger cars by Radzynia Podlaski.

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