FIFA 19 without Emiliano Sala. A dead player removed from the game


Emiliano Sala, who died in a plane crash, was removed from FIFA 19. Thus, its creators at EA Sports wish to pay tribute to the deceased footballer.

Dawid Borek

Dawid Borek

/ In the photo: Emiliano Sala

"We died on the death of Emiliano Sali and to pay tribute to him, we decided to withdraw him from FC Nantes 19, there will be no related items in FUT packs, and all the price of Hall objects will be restored to the correct value, "said in the EA Sports communication.

The last part of the statement is related to the disgusting behavior of FIFA 19 players who inflated the Emiliano Sali card artificially. Before the disaster, it was worth about 800 coins (virtual currency in the game), and after the tragedy, the price rose to 10 000 coins. EA Sports has strongly condemned such activities.

Read also: The Emiliano Sali family issued a statement. "The most painful moment of our life"

On January 21, the plane that Emiliano Sala flew from Nantes to Cardiff disappeared from the radar over the English Channel. Two days earlier, the player had signed a 3.5 year contract with the city of Cardiff. The Welsh club had paid him 15 million euros.

Read also: Football environment in mourning after the death of Emiliano Sala. "It's so sad"

Two weeks after the accident, the divers reached the wreckage of the plane. The massacred body of Emiliano Sala was found there. The Argentinian died at the age of 29 years.
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