TVN's flagship show was burned. "There were three brothers and sisters in the house"


In its programs and series, TVN has promoted many stars, who are now at the forefront of show business. However, their popularity does not make them successful in their lives. One of the celebrities has just announced a fire at his home.

TVN knows exactly how to touch the tastes of viewers. The series and programs broadcast by this station are very popular. One of the main shows is the "Top Model" that fans have been following for years. In one of the editions, we were able to get acquainted with a very charismatic model that delighted the spectators and the jurors. Of course, I'm talking about Patryk Grudowicz, who has gained tremendous popularity through this program. Now, the star has informed of the tragedy that has met his family home.

Gwiazdor TVN about his tragedy

Patryk comes from a large and poor family. The boy was never ashamed of that and knew exactly what he wanted to accomplish while chewing. Patryk, like many other program participants, after his participation in the show, focused on developing the reach of his social media, which provided him with a position and a chance to lead a really decent life. Thanks to this, he has gained a lot of fans, which easily translates his popularity on the Internet, and this is often accompanied by contracts with many well-known brands. The model is very active, especially on the Instagram portal, where everyone has been informed of the tragedy that has hit his family home.

Just the day after his visit to the family home, a fire broke out in the building, which consumed almost all the apartment. There were three of his brothers and sisters inside, but fortunately nothing happened to anyone. The situation was so dangerous that the fire broke out at 5:30 am, while everyone was asleep.

Now the family lives in a foster home and Patryk himself said that he would help his loved ones as much as he could.



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– Part of the apartment was burned. I am thankful to God that nothing has happened to anyone. At present, the family is in a replacement apartment … At the beginning of the fire, there were three brothers and sisters at home. I had to visit my family the day before. Everyone has slept. It was 5:30 – reported the celebrity.

The model has shown more than once that it can cope with difficulties. Now, he will undoubtedly get back on his feet with his family. Hopefully this will be the end of the tragedy that will hit his family.


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source: Pudelek

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