New Labor Code: 16/03/2019. Changes in leave, overtime pay, minimum wage components


New projects of two codes – separate for employees and separate for employers – have been developed by a special commission composed of eminent experts in the field at the request of the Ministry of Labor. The reports of their work, as well as the relevant documents, were submitted by the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Affairs of Grażyna Rafalska, almost a year ago. However, the revolution did not take place.

This did not happen because the government was afraid of employees' reactions.

At the same time, the Ministry of Labor announced that it would not abandon the changes, but would introduce them through amendments to the "old" labor code. However, by the end of 2018, none of the controversial solutions has become a legal standard.

Payment of overtime

It was the closest – and it is always the case, because it is a problem related to the unification of law within the European Union – with changes in overtime pay rules. This is to postpone the payment of this work to specially created accounts for working time. Currently, the amount due for the overpayment is paid at the end of the month, as well as other items of payroll. After the changes, however, the funds would be frozen and used, for example, to pay for downtime or unused vacation time. This solution is in the hands of employers, but not employees. That's why the old system still applies and, if there is a change, it's probably not going to go that far, and although the money for hours is saved to a special account, model German solutions, the employee will have a much more liberal access than the one supposed of the first project.

Certainly, in 2019, the election year, the government will not make controversial changes to vacations and holidays on demand.
Remember that the project required an equal level of annual leave for all employees, regardless of their seniority. On the other hand, in the case of leave on request, while leaving the current number of days available to the employee, he imposed the obligation to notify the employer of his wish to take such leave at least 24 hours before the made. This second solution completely falsifies the meaning of the institution on leave on demand, although – which is understandable – would be much more convenient for the employer, without the need for unexpected corrections during work. other members of the team.

Minimum remuneration for work

Some changes have also been made to the components of compensation included in the minimum wage. The Government Bill of December 2018 was approved and consulted. any week should go to the deliberations of the government and then be transferred to the Sejm.

There is total agreement on the need to introduce these provisions. The current structure – which requires taking into account the minimum pay of work, various allowances, including the most controversial apprenticeships and seniority allowances – discriminates in practice experienced budget workers who do not enjoy a pay equity. minimum wage increase at the beginning of their career. It even seemed that the case would be closed as early as 2018 and that the new law would apply from early 2019. However, since the change entails an additional cost to the state budget – apprenticeship benefits concern virtually budget area employees – delays in the process of changes resulting from deprivations funds for increases.

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Now, the situation has reversed by 180 degrees: there is an election year, the potential electorate can count on such an urgent assumption, which ensures that these labor law changes in 2019 will be introduced at one hundred percent.

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