Account of the State 2018. New data FOR


The Civic Development Forum presented the "State Account for 2018", which shows the structure of our state's spending. As is the case every year, this eighth edition of the project was organized on the last day of the return of tax returns from the previous year. In 2018, the per capita "State Account" amounted to 23,535 zlotys, or 1,644 zlotys more than a year ago and 5,117 zlotys more than a year ago. 8 years ago. In 2011, when preparing the first edition of "State Account", public spending per capita rose to 18,018 PLN.

What are the leaders spending the most?

Pensions and education, as well as health care together, they are responsible for more than half of state spending. In 2018, the most important elements of the account (per capita) are:

Photo: Civic Development Forum

  • Pensions and pensions – 7025 PLN
  • Education – 2596 PLN
  • Health care – PLN 2,534
  • Social assistance – PLN 2136 (including PLN 589 from the Family 500+ program)
  • Transportation – 1981 PLN
  • Military, police, prisons, courts – 1675 PLN
  • Administration – 1119 PLN
  • Interest on public debt – PLN 826

State expenditure is not only the state budget, but also local government, NFZ, FUS managed by the social insurance institution, KRUS and many other entities.

FOR points out that the vast majority of public expenditure is based on several of the above-mentioned expenses. institutions, it must be remembered that all public finance sector covers more than 61 thousand different units. Besides the list, there are many schools, universities, hospitals, but also entities such as, for example, municipal cemeteries, urban parks, movie studios "TOR", "ZEBRA", "KADR". Due to the impossibility of obtaining data for all 61 000. entities and to correct the flows between them The state account includes the balance of the account "Other".

What is "Account of the State"?

As FOR points, the amount of taxes and contributions paid by a person depends on his salary and purchases. On the portal prepared by FOR, anyone can check the number of taxes and bonuses paid in wages, regardless of the amount. By providing an estimated additional purchase volume, everyone can receive their own personalized account from the state. Methodology The state accounts are created in April when some institutions included in the public finance sector have not yet published their final financial statements. because the data presented by FOR is partly based on financial forecasts, that do not always happen. When updating previous editions of your accounts, the FOR estimates were replaced by data on the actual execution of individual unit budgets. The changes in the methodology are twofold: first, the methodology of the national accounts, which is the starting point for calculating the account, has been modified by Eurostat from ESA95 to ESA2010. Secondly, during the 8 years working on behalf of your FOR, he wanted the structure to be clearer.

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