Game for the throne – Jon Snow's excuse for the 8th season. This video of fans is in power!


Fans of "Game of thrones" show once again that their imagination goes much further than the vision of the creators of the series. See the solemn speech in which Jon Snow apologizes for the last season.

Despite petitions and popular petitions, the last season of "Game of thrones" will not be re-recorded. However, fans of the series had the idea to repair at least part of what the creators of the series had destroyed.

Jon Snow excuses for the 8th season of Game of Thrones

In YouTube's Eating Things, the scene of the fourth episode of the eighth season of "Game of thrones" appears in which, after winning the Battle of Winterfell, all the dead are burned. However, instead of the words that Jon Snow (Kit Harington) uttered in the original, we apologize for the weakness of the last episodes of the series.

Jon apologizes for the fact that the writers did not learn anything from the "Lost" artists and for the impression that the screenplay of the last season was written by "about six days". He adds that on this recording, he says more words than in the entire final series. The unfortunate Starbucks mug is also mentioned.

At the moment the corpse burned in the series, the final episode scenario is released in the fan version of the clip with smoke.

The game for the throne is available on HBO GO

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