A 6 year old supporter of a known recording received a FIFA award


After the Poland-Colombia match, lost by our 0: 3 representation, the Internet has a film that shows how Colombian fans are comforting the crying boy after the defeat. It was Aleks Meiklejohn, son of Scots and Polish. "The Colombian fans were absolutely fantastic – the best group of fans I've ever known. Incredible support, "wrote Ian Meiklejohn, the boy's father on Twitter

. The father submitted a recording to the" Rival Hug "organized by FIFA. It turned out that his proposal was considered the best of all. As a reward, the family will see in the stands the final of the World Cup, scheduled for July 15.

– FIFA informed me of the victory and said they could not choose a better film – said Ian Meiklejohn. – It was the very essence of what they were looking for – he added.

The boy's father has confirmed that he will take advantage of the offer of FIFA – we read on the website "The Scottish Sun". Meiklejohn, as a Scot, however hopes that the English will not reach the final. "I would not want to be the only Scottish visitor in the stadium to watch England win the World Cup," he said. – I hope that they will be defeated and that Brazil will play in the final – he said.

According to his father, little Alex wants France to win the championship.

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