A British couple may have been poisoned by the same nerve agent as the Russian spy


A British couple hospitalized in critical condition may have accidentally been in contact with the same neurotoxic agent that nearly killed the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in March

Wiltshire police said that the case was a "major incident" Wednesday, four days after the couple was found unconscious in a house in Amesbury. Amesbury is eight miles from Salisbury, where Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned with Novichok, a type of nerve agent developed during the Cold War.

The authorities did not disclose the couple's identity, but friends identified them as Charlie Rowley. , 45, and Dawn Sturgess, 44.

  United Kingdom poisoned Facebook couple

Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess were hospitalized in critical condition


Authorities initially believed that the couple had fallen ill after consuming heroin or crack from a batch of contaminated drugs

"However, other tests are currently underway – sick patients," said Deputy Chief Paul Mills. "At this point, it is not yet clear whether a crime has been committed." [19659003TheLondonMetropolitanPolicestatedthat"giventherecenteventsinSalisburyanti-terrorismofficerswereworkingwiththelocalpoliceontheinvestigationreportedthatsamplesofthemysterioussubstancehadbeensenttothePortonDownDefenseResearchLaboratoryfortesting

Prime Minister Theresa May's office said she was kept abreast of the case, "which is naturally handled with utmost seriousness."

Emergency echoes that of the Skripals Sergei Skripal, former Russian intelligence officer, was convicted of British espionage before coming to the UK as part of an exchange of prisoners in 2010. [19659011] Sergei Skripal “/>

Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found poisoned in a park in Salisbury in March.

After spending weeks in critical condition, the Skripals were released from the hospital and taken to an unknown location for protection. Doctors say that they do not know what the long-term prognosis is.

Britain accuses Russia of poisoning the Skripals, an assertion Moscow categorically denies. The case sparked a diplomatic crisis between Russia and the West, including the expulsion of hundreds of diplomats from both sides.

The two victims of Amesbury were at the Salisbury District Hospital, which was also treating the Skripal

The couple, told the Associated Press that he was with the couple on Saturday when they got sick. He said Rowley told him that "Dawn was complaining of a headache, so she went to take a bath and then he had a thud in it and she was on the floor having a fit and foaming at the stuffy."

Hobson said Rowley was packing his stuff to visit Sturgess in the hospital when "he started sweating really badly, so he took a shower, then went to his room for a bit, to rest, go out and he was a little tired and sat down a bit and then that is when he got up and started acting strangely and he said that he felt that He had been poisoned and then he was swinging against the wall making funny noises and his eyes were wide open, glazed, he was just sweating, dribbling, making strange noises, I was talking to him and I got no answer. "

The day before, Hobson said he and the couple were in the Queen Elizabeth Gardens of Salisbury, not far from where the Skripals were found foaming in March.

"They must have picke d something … and was contaminated because no one else with whom we were was poisoned and no one else shared the symptoms," said Hobson. "It's just both."

The police cordoned off the park as well as a home in Amesbury, which is believed to be Rowley's, and one of the two. Other places they went that day, including a church and pharmacy, he said that there is no wider threat to the public, but they are monitoring the situation.

Salisbury and the surrounding towns have recently begun to recover from scary weeks at the center of an international spy drama. 40 ministries in England and Wales have returned home in June after months working on the Skripal case, and specially trained workers spent months decontaminating sites around the city

offset the loss of income in the area, which is a gateway to Stonehenge, the ancient stone circle that is a huge tourist destination.

"Amesbury is a lovely place – it's very quiet, no history" Northing. "So for this to happen, and the media response and uncertainty, it's troubling."

Justin Doughty, who lives on the other side of the street, said the locals wanted more information from the authorities. We do not know, to be honest now, because it's related to Salisbury or is it related to drugs? "he said." The police say nothing to any of us and it would be nice to know something. "

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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