A historic record of summer demand for power was made


Tuesday, there was a historic record of summer demand for power – said the Polish energy grid. PSE ensures that they have sufficient power reserves nationwide. They also use some of the countermeasures they have.

Peak power demand in the summer fell Tuesday at 1:15 pm and rose to 23 thousand. 521 MW. The transmission system manager reminded that hot water not only leads to an increase in energy consumption but also reduces the transport capacity of power lines and hinders the operation of some plants due to the temperature high cooling water. However, the operator does not foresee any restrictions on the supply and consumption of electricity

Launch of the reserve

The PES also announced having used remedies in two cases

Monday, to ensure the stable operation of the system, part of the cold reserve intervention reserve was put into operation – two blocks of a total capacity 400 MW were in use. The reserve is composed of production units, whose use was to be definitively stopped before 2016, due to the impossibility of meeting stricter emission standards. The cold storage available to PSE is 830 MW

In the second case, due to difficult network conditions in parts of the Voivodeships of Wielkopolska and Łódź on Tuesday, a temporary threat to the security of the Local and transient power supply has been announced. ] In accordance with the provisions of the Energy Law, such a state should be announced in order to benefit from certain remedies. As reported by PSE, in this case, it was to maintain the operation of the power plant blocks at a slightly higher temperature of the cooling water than that provided by the appropriate standards. This ensured the safe operation of the system – stressed PSE, noting that the announced state was local and transitional

. Help the import

The operator points out that the situation often improves the import of electricity. Thanks to the links with Lithuania and Sweden and the installation of phase-shifters on the roads to Germany, import possibilities have increased by less than 1,000 MW in less than three years, for to reach about 1800 MW

. This includes DSR – a service consisting of a voluntary and temporary reduction of electricity consumption by the on-demand recipient, or so-called energy import by the operator under contracts with neighboring food system operators

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