A huge scandal, a lot of money for PiS! He wanted to reveal the secret of Lepper's death


Andrzej Lepper died seven years ago. Although the prosecutor's office evoked suicide, many speculations were made around the incident. Former Samoobrona journalists and collaborators have reported new clues in the case. One of them is Władysław Serafin, accused of money laundering for years. PiS politicians are involved in this matter.

Andrzej Lepper was one of the leading representatives of the Polish political scene. When information about his suicide was communicated to the media, not only male sympathizers but also his friends were involved. One of them was Władysław Serafin, who on December 6 will be sued in court for extortion in the case of credit unions. Are these questions related?

Władysław Serafin is accused of extortion. Was Andrzej Lepper related to this case?

The prosecutor accused the former member of Samoobrona of having forgotten about 21 million zlotys in the highly publicized case of Credit Unions Wołomin. The man was already in detention, but he continues to deny the charges. His line of defense is very mysterious. Serafin thinks he knows behind the scenes the death of the leader of Samoobrona and that his opponents want the truth never to be revealed. In the eyes of politics, they want to shut him up in prison and influence his eventual credibility.

On December 6, the court will decide whether Serafin will be arrested again. It turns out that the man does not intend to give up and that he will fight to reveal the truth. Most important to him is revealing the impact on the actions of the Office of the Prosecutor for Law and Justice.

Władysław Serafin had to transfer money to PiS politicians. One of the characters that he mentioned was Jacek Sasin. The latter immediately denied the allegations and said that it was only slanderous.



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– Peter P.'s assertion that alleged lawmakers are taking money from SKOKU – Wołomin is an absurd mistake – said Sasin in an interview on Polish radio.

However, we do not know what information about Lepper's death in Serafin. The man thinks that nearly a hundred accusations were wrongly made to him. In detention, he announced a protest against hunger. After almost a year of detention, he was released in March 2018. Now the court will decide whether to return. The media and right-wing politicians keep the question up to date.


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