A notification will be sent to the prosecutor's office about Rostowski and Nowak


The VAT inquiry commission will inform the prosecutor's office of the possibility that a crime is committed by former Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski and former Prime Minister Sławomir's cabinet chief Nowak, announced Wednesday the chairman of this commission, Marcin Horała (PiS).

After an implicit session of the parliamentary VAT investigation committee, its chairman, Marcin Horała, said at the meeting, the commission had decided to go to the prosecutor's office to consider the possibility of crimes. former Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski; this applies to four areas. "The first is the fact that the minister overrode his rights, which has led an unauthorized person, a social advisor also employed in one of the auditing firms, to effectively co-manage the creation of the company. legislation in the Ministry of Finance, "he said.

It's about Renata Hayder. His person was summoned to the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on November 21 as Rostowski's Social Counselor and Ernst & Young Consulting Partner. Elżbieta Chojna-Duch, deputy minister of finance of the PO-PSL government, testified before the committee that, according to her, the legislative process had been taken over by external finance advisers. In the finance department – as she said – the office had a "super employee" – Renata Hayder employed in consulting firms – Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young.

As Horala pointed out, "no law on ministries, no legal act provides such a possibility, such a mode, so that it is suspected that there was a crime, a oversight".

The second possible crime that Horala has talked about is the "disclosure of secret information, information even covered by business secrets or tax secrets, a person who remains in a working relationship or in a relationship". other professional dependency relationship with a group of audit firms, private companies involved in tax activities ". He added that "this person had access to the internal information of the Ministry of Finance".

"The third possible crime is the loss of public property, the Treasury, basically – because we are talking here about tens of billions of zlotys – by unveiling the tax system (…) in a way that presumes that Was criminal, through First of all, the abolition of a 30% tax penalty related to the fact that someone underestimated his responsibility or overestimated the amount of the reimbursement of tax by these amendments, "he said.

The chairman of the investigation commission pointed out that "an attempt at tax evasion did not entail the risk of additional sanctions". He added that the circulation of the quarterly regulations for newly registered entities at that time had led, inter alia, to the fact that the companies were registered as "pillars" and were part of the "VAT carousel". "It's only after three months that they have been forced to file a tax return," he added. He stressed that it is only after six months that the tax authorities could really be interested in such a society. "At that time, the money was actually withdrawn, and the" pole ", that is to say a homeless person, remained," he said.

The fourth charge, of which Horała spoke, is the non – respect of the sanctions. During the course of the draft law, "all political parties supported the government's position to abolish this sanction, falsely convinced that it is incompatible with EU legislation", did he declare. He added that, even though the government's position resulted from a loss of consciousness, the subsequent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union unanimously decided that let the sanction be in accordance to EU legislation. In this context, Horała stated that Rostowski was not trying to reinstate the sanctions and that his absence – he said – contributed to the Treasury's losses of 40 million zlotys a year "and to billions of losses related to the lack of prevention.

The accusation against Nowak concerns the loss of public property.

Horała stated that the evidence gathered up to now by the commission rested, among other things, on: the testimony of Chojny-Duch. "They are not contrary to the testimony of other witnesses." None of the witnesses who testified under oath said it was not true "- he said.

He added that this information is also confirmed by e-mails from the private company's official mailbox, which include instructions to departmental employees and – as he pointed out – "following the legislative work shows that it was effective orders ". "The orders contained therein were in the final form of the statutes or in the final position of the Ministry of Finance," he said.

Horała developed this thread, which the journalists asked for. He said that in two bills that are part of the internal circulation of the Ministry of Finance, the appeal was favorable to the lifting of sanctions. On the other hand, following the e-mails sent by Hayder to employees of the Ministry of Finance, in which he is asked to abolish the sanctions, this assumption of Hayder was included in the next version of the draft of the Ministry of Finance.

"There is such a coincidence that, as far as the employees of the Ministry have suggested, the sanction was." Then, Ms. Hayder submits proposals that there should be a version without (sanctions) and then annotated with the decision of the Minister + and the Minister decides that this is how it happens and that this version is already addressed to the Sejm, which means that it is possible to seriously assume that these actions were effective, "he said.

Horała stressed that the opinions do not end the work of the commission, which intends to hear December 10 Rostowski, and on December 11, the head of the Supreme Audit Office, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski.

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