A nun of Mother Teresa's charity in India arrested because she was suspected of selling a baby


Police meet on July 4th in front of the offices of Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in India. A staff member and a nun who were working there were arrested because they were suspected of selling a baby. (AFP / Getty Images)

A nun and another employee of Mother Teresa's charity in India were arrested after child protection services accused them of selling a baby and are suspected of selling three more children.

Police arrested Sons Konsalia Balsa and the Anima Indwar charity worker Wednesday after the city's child protection committee filed a lawsuit accusing them of selling a baby for 1,740 $ in the town of Ranchi to the northeast. arrived at our home in Ranchi, "said a statement from the Missionaries of Charity." This should never have happened. It's against our moral convictions. We are looking closely at the question. "

Police said that they were trying to find three other babies whom they suspected to be sold by Balsa and Indwar.

" We do not know until what point is still, "said Kotwali, police inspector Shyamanand Mandal, when asked if the other shelters of the charity had participated in similar activities." We are investigating. "

The boy who was sold was born to an unmarried teenager," said Mandal. "The child is under the custody of the child welfare authorities.

" This that these people did – for about 100,000 to 120,000 rupees, they sold the baby to a couple when the baby was less than a month old, sometimes directly from the hospital, "he said. [19659008] Adoption can be a convoluted and tedious process in India, and there is a huge demand for babies – especially male heirs ins who can win for parents in old age. But single mothers and babies born out of wedlock face stigma in the socially conservative country. Many are turning to charities such as Mother Teresa to shelter during their pregnancies.

According to the police, Balsa and Indwar admitted having sold the babies of the women who came to the shelter

The Missionaries of Charity were founded in 1950 by Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, known as "Mother Teresa" and canonized posthumously. 2016.

Though she is famous for helping the poor in India and around the world, her legacy is disputed. Many criticize her organization for proselytizing in non-Catholic countries and allegedly mistreated those she claimed to help.

In 2016, the Missionaries of Charity announced that they would stop all their adoption activities in India to protest a new law that would allow single-parent families to adopt. At the time, the organization's representatives stated that the definition of the law could include divorced or single parents, which contradicted his religious beliefs.

Louis Marandi, Minister of Social Affairs in Jharkhand, said the association could be blacklisted.

The news shook the organization of Mother Teresa, which covers 130 countries and has about 4,500 nuns and brothers. "The whole congregation is shocked, and we all pray about it," said a nun who has been working for the organization for 20 years but spoke under the guise of anonymity because she did not Is not allowed to comment on his behalf. "If something happens, we must be sorry."

Correction : An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Konsalia Balsa and Anima Indwar were charged. They were not charged; they were arrested.

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