A piece of paper was affixed to the TK tablet, changing its name


N and a plate of the Constitutional Court, whose seat is located on the Avenue Szucha in Warsaw, someone affixed a card changing the name of the l 39; ;institution. Here is another example in recent days of how Poles are trying to fight the ruling party's reforms of the judiciary.

An hour ago, the new name of the Constitutional Court looked like this: the Court of Justice and Justice. Kaczynski. This movement of protesters is not surprising, since since 2015 there is a crisis around the Constitutional Court. All this because of the adoption of the new law, which allows the Diet to appoint the successors of all judges of the Tribunal, whose term expired in 2015.

From November 2015 to December 2016, six so-called corrective Acts of the Constitutional Court established by law and justice. 20 December 2016 p.o. the President of the Constitutional Court, Julia Przyłębska, included in the decision of three judges elected by the Seym of the 8th term seats filled by Seym the 7th term.

The latest example of a Constitutional Court ruling in favor of PiS was the recognition that President Andrzej Duda had the right to pardon Mariusz Kamiński for a valid conviction.

The action against the law and justice
Recall that on Saturday at the recently unveiled monument to Lech Kaczyński, a t-shirt with the inscription "Konstytucja, Jędrek!" Appeared in Szczecin. It was a message addressed to Andrzej Duda. Currently, the police are looking for someone who "insulted the monument".

By cons, Bydgoszcz bydgoszczanka Krystyna Malinowska went to Chełmno, where she posted two pages with the inscription "PZPR" on the door of the office of Krzysztof Czabański. After that, she took a picture and went to the police to report her.

"I have probably committed a prohibited act in propagating a totalitarian system. My suspicion of myself stems from the fact that it was the Wąbrzeźno district prosecutor Janusz Biewald asked Elżbieta Podleśna, who wrote "PZPR" in the offices of MP Czabański in Wąbrzeźno and Golubiu-Dobrzyń "- she writes.

Elżbieta Podleśna mentioned a week ago on MP Czabański's desk, "PZPR", and on the sidewalk: "The final judgment hour". Degrading procedures, she was ordered to undress.

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