A powerful fire in Krotoszyn. The fire destroyed the entire roof


17 fire stations fight against the fire of the Poviat Family Support Center and the Krotoszyn Music School. The entire roof of the building was covered with fire.

The fire broke out after 11 am – The attic of the Młyńska Street building burns. The establishment has a Powiat family support center and a music school – said Mateusz Dymarski of the National Fire Department of Krotoszyn

Flames of black smoke have come down on Krotoszyn and tongues of fire reached several meters. There are 17 firefighters working on the site and others are yet to come.

Firefighters managed to control the fire, the building is abandoned.

– There is no information on the victims – Dymarski. considerable difficulties – the police closed the traffic to the surrounding streets.

Source: TVN 24 Poznań / Marek Radziszewski
More than a dozen firefighters fight with fire

Author: FC / b
Source: TVN 24 Poznań

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